Monthly Links

Table of Contents

Monthly Links

This page is mostly a log in which I keep links to things I've read, made, done, etc. It's separated by month, along with my goals for the next month, and should be end up being in reverse chronological order


September 2024

Things I Made

  • Lots of coding projects hopefully something to show for them soon
  • Made some paper submissions to conferences fingers crossed
  • Piano Training App and Notes, some practice using these new o1 models to get a good handle on what sorts of tasks they're capable of

Things I Consumed

August 2024

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

July 2024

Things I Made

  • Added phi-3-small support to guidance My first open source contribution!! I learned a lot about tokenizers working on this project.
  • Understanding Multi-Head Latent Attention and mla variants implementation I look into MLA because its presence in DeepSeek-V2 confused me and I needed to understand it better. In general working on this stuff has been really gratifying, I feel like I understand a lot about how the pieces slot together. Learned some Manim to make some of the figures in this post.
  • Data work for SSBMRank Summer 2024 That time of year again, didn't do a ballot myself since I've been too busy to follow the game.
  • Arch Linux Installation My wife's thinkpad broke this month, which was a nice excuse to buy her a new one for her upcoming Bioinformatics degree. In the meanwhile, rather than tossing the broken thinkpad, I bought a replacement LCD (which was what had broken), did some surgery, and threw Arch Linux on it. I'm using XFCE4 and i3wm, and overall the learning curve for this has been much less bad than I had been led to believe it would be.

Things I Consumed

June 2024

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

May 2024


  • ITG Doubles 12 #1 This was so crazy
  • Completed Penultimate Masters Course One left, so excited to almost be done with this

Things I Consumed

Things I Made

April 2024


March 2024

Things I Consumed

Things I Made

February 2024

Things I Consumed

  • Polaris Cube: Pretty interesting, thought it was going to be harder to solve given how difficult it was to turn and scramble, but I figured it out after about 15-20 minutes.
  • Yuxin 8 Petals Cube: Easy to solve but enjoyed the process of figuring out the steps to do so.
  • Meilong Clover 3x3: Just a 3x3 with no centers. Sharp points, not fun to turn, but the lack of centers is a cute added challenge
  • Suikoden II honestly, amazing.

January 2024


  • Updating links again This got away from me in the second half of 2023, but I'll be resuming updates on this page.

Things I Consumed


May 2023


  • Started meditation making an earnest attempt to really grind this. I’ve done this sort of haphazardly once or twice every few months but I’m really buckling down this time.
  • Hit 150k ranking points in ITL switching from ddr a20 grind to ITG tech was a great decision; this is so much more fun, by orders of magnitude.

Things I Made

  • Bracket Stamina finally did this after a long period of thinking about this idea.
  • Simulating the Blue Lock Second Selection a fun short post. I had a lot of curiosity about how this would resolve and I came to a surprisingly clear answer. I love this sort of overly convoluted plot nonsense, it makes engaging with media more fun.

April 2023


  • Got Married one of the most important things of my entire life happened!
  • Built a PC bought an amd graphics card by accident because I am stupid but at least I can play games now.
  • Attended dreamhack San Diego honestly this tournament was fun. Lots of criticisms about it but overall it was a fun vibe.

Things I Made

  • We are playing in the same lag this was honestly kind of silly and I messed up the audio channels but I thought this would be funny and it was, should let myself be happy about it.

Things I Consumed

March 2023


  • Started regularly playing melee again after a long break I have started practicing and playing matches. Went through a difficult derust but in spite of it I’ve been enjoying it.
  • Bought an Ltek needed a way to exercise in my LA residence, don’t have a car to drive around to get parts for a travel pad. But the bullet on this because I heard it’s good.

Things I Consumed

February 2023


  • Moved to Los Angeles
  • Started working at Riot

Things I Made

  • Data notes on ssbmrank 2022 I consider it a major milestone that standard deviations were released for the Melee top 100. A lot of slightly frustrating discussion was had about 2nd vs 3rd, but I’m mostly happy that we can talk about the spots as distributions rather than diracs.

Thing I Consumed

January 2023


  • Left my Job will have fond memories of APL
  • Went to Genesis 9 let's go Jmook
  • Bought an Anbernic 353m I love this thing, it was a great purchase

Things I Made

  • SSBMRank 2022 Maybe a bit much to put this in "Things I made" but I certainly did do a bunch of work for it as the data lead, a panelist, and a blurb writer. Check out my Gahtzu blurb in particular I'm proud of that one.

Things I Consumed

  • Final Fantasy 6 played through the SNES version with the improved localization patch. Thought it was a great game, although following Chrono Trigger certainly exposed some of the frustrating things about it. Encounter rate was annoying, being underleveled in certain spots was annoying, and the whole World of Ruin started to feel like it was just padding the game's length. That said, it was still great: my opinion on Kefka as the game's main villain shifted a bit after the final fight, where it's clear he's just a big metaphor for death and that's why he's so psychotically, cartoonishly evil.
  • Megaman Legends (PSX) This game was fun, but like FF6 it made me appreciate other games more. Targeting / lock on / auto-aim mechanics were all absolutely horrific, and I constantly thought of how amazing Ocarina of Time was with it's z-target implementation. Before 3D games had established standards for movement there must have been a good deal of experimentation.
  • Advance Wars enjoyed this game, scratched the chess itch a bit for me
  • Advance Wars 2 everybody said this game was so much better but it really felt like the same game as Advance Wars 1 but with a more annoying power mechanic. Overall good though.
  • Stafford Gambit DESTROYS Kitten this is a truly delightful computer vs computer chess game
  • GDC - Q*Bert Retrospective the hubert story had me in tears
  • The tech that nearly ruined titanfall speedruns super dope video about creative community-driven solutions to emergent problems in high-level gameplay.
  • Moyun - Playing God Guzheng Cover wow this sounds amazing, wild how faithful this sounds to the original as a cover while being independently interesting.


December 2022


  • Got a job at Riot Games super excited for this new chapter in my life! I’ll be starting at Riot in February as a senior data scientist
  • Finally got COVID I had been avoiding it for so long but I suppose the reaper comes for us all someday. Put a bit of a damper on my productivity but I did my best to work through it.
  • Worked as Data Lead of the new SSBMRank 2022 it was cool getting tasked with this important role after so many years in the community, hope I do it justice.

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

  • Chrono Trigger finally got around to playing this after putting it off for so long, and wow, it did not disappoint! Genuinely quite impressed about how deserved all the hype is, and in particular how they managed to convey this story seemingly free from all the worst elements of JRPGs. The soundtrack was truly amazing, the character design was great, even some more subtle stuff like the overworld design was great.
  • 200 WPM with 2 Fingers (former WR) truly unbelievable
  • Game Development in 8 Bits cool to think about the types of abstractions that were necessary under severe space constraints.
  • ADGQ - Chrono Trigger Glitchless by Puwexil I think I played through this game with the weakest combination of party members.


I say this every year, but maybe moreso than most years: what a whirlwind 2022 was for me. A lot of things took shape this year, and I made a lot of progress even if some things didn't go my way.

Lots of highlights this year: breaking through and finding a new job, getting top 64 at Genesis 8, getting straight A's in my degree, improving a lot at coding. I built a home gym and passed a few ITG 14s, but health stuff / surgeries kept me from really reaching my goals on that front.

Probably my two biggest "regrets" about how 2022 went were that none of my papers got published and that I didn't spend enough time working on videos for Melee Stats. The former was certainly not from lack of effort: I've improved a lot at actually materializing ideas which could become papers, and I did actually submit a paper to Neurips (albeit to an unhappy result). Both of these are things I'm hoping I can address with a little bit more time in 2023.

Overall I think 2022 was very busy for me, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to be a bit more focused now that my health seems under control and I'm no longer job-searching. The goals are pretty clear:

  • Get married
  • Continue progress at ML / do well at new job
  • Return to making videos
  • Get paper in conference
  • Perform well in classes
  • Get better at Melee
  • Make friends in Los Angeles
  • Make the coolest thing I've ever made
  • Write and Code Cool Stuff all day

No need to get too specific - with big lifestyle changes comes uncertainty, and I just need to keep doing what I'm doing.

November 2022


  • Made a lot of things I was pretty busy this month.

Things I made

Things I consumed

October 2022


  • Went to The Big House 10 Didn't play well in bracket (out of practice) but I did enter StepmaniaX and managed to not go 0-2 despite never playing the game before. It was fun!
  • Was eligible for summit voting This was quite funny to me! Obviously I didn't campaign, but it was fun to see my name there.
  • Got surgery this put me out of commission for most of October, but I did some fun stuff before then at least.

Things I made

Things I consumed

September 2022


  • Made a Machine Learning Twitter can be found here, got tired of being nervous to post things related to what I do all day.
  • Did tons of leetcode I even got a fancy badge for not missing any of the daily challenges in september. This took up most of my free time this month.

Things I consumed

  • Tesla AI Day 2022 Some cool technology here; not a huge fan of the humanoid robot project in general, but stuff like "language of lanes" made this a worthwhile watch.
  • Everything Goes On (In-Game Version) - SiIvagunner Think this outperforms the originals, honestly: Stay is a bit too depressing on its own and Everything Goes On I think is a bit too flowery for its own good.
  • Missing Semester Lecture 1 - The Shell I like watching these things even though I usually know most of the content through experience, lots of stuff in here I didn't actually know despite using a terminal for years. I watched a few of these Missing Semester videos and while some lectures are a bit scatterbrained I think it's a good course.
  • Cory Wong // Dean Town Not the same without Joe Dart, but the horns add so much.

August 2022


  • Sold merch at Shine 2022 if you want to buy some, you can go here
  • Was sad about the Neurips rebuttal process wish there was more actual discussion, but that's okay.
  • Reached 1700 Bullet rating on Now I will stop playing bullet, since it is more of a video game than a board game.

Things I made

July 2022


  • Reached my old liftime PRs for lifting Feel good about this, much easier to motivate yourself to go to the gym 4x a week if your gym is just in your basement
  • Passed another ITG Stamina 14 playing a lot of stamina since Stamina RPG 6 is happening, finally back to clearing 14s from back before I switched to DDR Extreme in preparation for Genesis.
  • Melee Stats "sponsors" Grab, Sharp, and Abbe I can't believe how well this whole free agent thing is going, hopefully this continues to be as successful as it has been.
  • Completed my MPGR Summer Top 50 Ballot This was an insane amount of work, the top 10 in particular was so unusually difficult.
  • Worked on Rebuttal for Neurips paper so much work! so busy!

Things I Consumed

June 2022


  • Bought a Home Gym Finally convinced myself to do this after talking about how I was going to do this for years.
  • Used the Home Gym a lot

Things I Consumed

May 2022


  • Submitted a paper to Neurips 2022 Finally got around to doing with with my good friend Vickram, hoping for a good result.
  • The weather is nice again so I'm hiking more
  • Melee Stats "sponsors" Chape

Things I Consumed

  • Everything Everywhere All At Once Jesus Christ dude, I don't know if I've cried as much watching a movie maybe ever.
  • The Batman Pretty interesting take on the idea
  • One Shot of the Dead Thought this was going to be very stupid but it turned out to be super funny

April 2022


  • Made top 64 at Genesis 8 49th / 1552. Was surreal somehow playing well enough to make top 64 at what to me is the most meaningful tournament series. Had to drop out of DDR Extreme which is unfortunate but certainly worth the tradeoff. My buddy Seal also made top 64 so it was a pretty wild weekend all around.
  • Melee Stats "sponsors" Pipsqueak Free Agent Showcase!

Things I made

Things I consumed

March 2022


  • Practiced a lot of DDR Extreme for Genesis

Things I made

February 2022


January 2022


  • Moved this took a lot of time so not much else happened in January
  • Played a lot of ITG This is quickly becoming the majority of my exercise, especially given my lack of desire to go to a gym where I could potentially get covid

Things I consumed


December 2021


  • Passed an ITG 13 Improving at this game is really encouraging because the reward signal is so much clearer than most other games I've played. Feel good about my progress.
  • Completed first semester I performed well in my classes, which is a nice feeling.
  • Went on vacation the first one of these in a while where I don't feel like was just taking time off to do other work.

Things I consumed


Hard to maintain perspective on how this year went. I certainly worked hard this year, but a lot of this hard work saw return in the form of skill improvements, rather than obtained results. I'm hoping 2022 has more in the way of impactful results compared to this year, but I can't let myself get too down on myself about this; I am much better at many important things even if my project-oriented brain does not suggest this is the case.

Some highlights from this year:

  • Made the switch to Davinci Resolve, made some silly stuff as well as some less silly stuff.
  • Enrolled in a masters degree program, navigated the first semester successfully.
  • Improved a lot at melee, beat some good players, wrote some stuff about learning.
  • Improved substantially at programming
  • Spent a lot of time playing dance games, moved from ITG 9s to ITG 13s.

More than previous years, a lot of 2021 for me was characterized by uncompleted projects. Not sure if this is a consequence of raised standards for projects or just working on a bunch of dead ends, but I feel disappointed with my "hit" rate, so to speak. I think a large part of why I felt I made so much progress in spots where I don't have much to show for is likely for this reason: lots of hard work on dead projects.

As much as one could plan for 2021, my goals for last year are below, along with some judgements

  • Improve at Video Production definite pass, large improvement is fairly undeniable
  • Complete 8 projects for the channel did not pass; worked on a ton of projects and videos which ended up not meeting my standards for publication. Feel fairly good about stuff which we did publish, but otherwise disappointed in this.
  • Complete something feature length failed
  • Complete something interview based failed, although giving myself some leniency given that covid did not vanish in 2021
  • Spend more time implementing ideas, improving at SWE definite pass, improved a lot at this in 2021
  • Complete at least three longform posts on the website involving ML failed
  • Publish a paper failed
  • Develop clear gameplans in all relevant matchups I think I did this at least to some extent; my play improved a lot in 2021 for non-punish-game reasons
  • Have one strong performance in large tournament There wasn't really anything large to attend but I did play fairly well a couple times in smaller netplay events.
  • Be more consistent about updating links page neutral, could definitely have been better
  • Read 10 books, 2 textbooks semi-failed, read 2 textbooks (for my degree) and did a lot of reading but not really books
  • Be more consistent about using anki failed, this needs a lot of reevaluation

With this in mind I think my 2022 goals are fairly clear at the moment.


  • Produce and write videos which bring a collective 600k views to our channel in the next year.
  • I would like to reach 50k subscribers but realistically I'm not sure how controllable that is.


  • Take high performance in masters degree extremely importantly; perform well in all your classes.
  • Reevaluate anki usage, do whatever is necessary to re-establish this as an important habit
  • Code more, broaden skillset in a more impactful direction
  • Figure out a way to track time in a way which is useful for estimating worktime
  • Figure out a more streamlined note-taking system


  • Publish something written on this website at least once per month. It doesn't need to be a large post, it could just be some small notes explaining something which has been explained elsewhere. I just want to do more writing in a more consistent fashion.
  • Publish a paper


  • Pass an ITG 16.
  • Build a home gym

November 2021


  • Passed an ITG 12 find me on Stamina RPG 5 since I'm playing on there a lot these days

Goals for December

  • Run on the treadmill more I got a cheap treadmill for black friday so I'm trying to run on it more
  • Move probably next month
  • Resume Work on Stuff

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

October 2021


  • Posted Video this thing consumed my life so happy to get it out the door
  • Started working through stamina RPG 5 Excited to have some stuff to work on

Goals for November

  • Do as little as possible

Things I made

  • The Game Nintendo Wishes It Never Made and the trailer. Making this video definitely consumed a lot of my life over the last few months but I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. It is performing well so I can't really complain on that front either.

Things I consumed

September 2021


  • Got some good stepmania clears a few ITG 11s, MAX 300, etc.

Goals for October

  • Publish the best video you've ever made
  • Take a month off from Melee stuff after that is completed

Things I Consumed

August 2021


  • Cleared up to ITG 10 without the bar improving at something feels nice
  • Started running and lifting again
  • Got a cat he is a good cat
  • Started pursuing a Masters Degree MS in Artificial Intelligence at Hopkins, part time

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

July 2021


  • Visit my family was really nice
  • Watched some of the olympics Tomoa Narasaki was robbed
  • Starting lifting weights and running again I have to wake up early now that my SO has a job so I've been using that time to go to the gym
  • Went to an arcade and played Pump it Up forgot how much fun dance games are

Goals for August

  • Build a Dance Pad and Get Good at DDR I'd like to pass a 9 footer no bar at the very least
  • For reps: Bench 135, Squat BW, Dumbbell OHP with 50s, figure out when you can deadlift gym is one of those "don't make noise" gyms so maybe I'll deadlift at the climbing gym. Otherwise, these are well under my PRs but I haven't been lifting because of COVID
  • Run three miles in half an hour Running c25k for the fifth time seems a little overkill but even w1d1 for me is 2.1 miles in 30 minutes so surely this should be achieveable right
  • Make Melee content with my name on it Been doing a lot of melee content work but it's mostly been commission-style stuff

Things I Consumed

June 2021


  • Visit Shanendoah National Park really amazing how good the disconnect is for my mental health; read a bunch of papers on Attention Restoration Theory in order to understand it. Made adjustments to go outside more often because of the dramatic positive effect on my general well-being.
  • Sent a few v4 boulders here is one which I nabbed a video of
  • Played through Majora's Mask Of the Zeldas I've played this was a weird one because it had close to the best worldbuilding but the absolute worst gameplay. Feels really overrated but maybe that's just because the people who like it are so infatuated by the story.

Things I Made

  • Defeat Marth or Die made a 1 minute melee stats video to see if we could capitalize on the youtube algo's new preference for short videos. It didn't work, but the video was kind of fun.
  • POV: You whiffed a move vs falcon full stage away this was actually a fair bit of video editing for something so stupid but it was very popular on twitter at least.

May 2021


  • Made Salvadoran Food was kind of a big deal for me so I'm happy this happened
  • Moved site to github pages tired of aws for static sites being so annoying to use
  • Started climbing again thankfully I'm still at least a v3 climber; follow me on KAYA
  • Got the full version of davinci resolve can finally edit things without waiting half an hour between every video, and I've done more video editing now than I have in a long while

Goals for June

  • Go outside
  • Climb a v4 problem getting back into the swing of things
  • Get better at writing been kind of in a mindblock recently

Things I made

  • Golden Guardians Melee Jeopardy me and wheat wrote the questions for this and I have to say working with GG on this was one of the most painless experiences I've had being in this weird esports sphere
  • ambi vs ben tmt 17 uploaded this because I was tired of feeling bad about it

April 2021


  • Won an online game of Go I'm sure by most standards it was a pretty awful game (here) but I was happy that I was able to win one
  • Got the second shot hooray
  • Played through Breath of the Wild willing to admit I was not willing to give this game a fair shot after the slow beginning; it was quite good despite some larger flaws. Definitely a strong rec from me.

Goals for May

  • Grind for affiliate for melee stats twitch channel
  • Video Editing
  • Eat Healthier

Things I made

Things I Consumed

March 2021


  • Learned to play Go My fiancee and I binged Hikaru no Go this month and it prompted us to dig out that Go board I got for christmas eight years ago which has been in the closet ever since. It's got a very appealing level of abstraction for something with such simple rules, and it's giving me feelings like when I was grinding chess a lot many years ago.
  • Reached 2400 puzzle rating on lichess not that puzzle rating means anything, but a lot of people in the discords I am in started sharing puzzles they were doing and I needed to prove to myself that I could still hang with all the new chess zoomers.
  • Had a few good tournaments I've been juggling a lot of things but I managed to enter a few tournaments and have some solid showings, including a set from Ben who has been putting up good results recently.

Goals for April

  • Get the second shot of the vaccine
  • Improve at Go
  • Just Write My hands have been hurting so will probably take a break from melee soon

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

February 2021


  • Largely spent the month working on huge projects sorry I don't have much to post, but trust me when I say I've been working on stuff
  • Agreed to be on the SWT panel for some reason oh boy

Things I Consumed

January 2021


  • Got sick, wasn't productive happens

Things I Made / Helped With

Things I Consumed


December 2020


  • Spent Basically The Whole Month Making Things and Being Sick participated in 5 Days of Melee and also got sick, thankfully not with covid.

Goals for January

  • Experiment with Colab want to start doing some toy ML projects, want to experiment with using colab to iterate and then exporting to an org document
  • Publish a Melee Stats Video a few projects in various stages of completion but I think I'm leaning towards trying to use my camera
  • Write 30k words

Things I Made


2020 was nothing if not unusual; perhaps the most simultaneously eventful and uneventful year in human history. I spent the bulk of 2020 locked inside my apartment with my (now) fiancee, and as such I got better and worse at things as you might expect given that almost all of my time was spent in this small, dusty room.

Productivity-wise, I have got to say that 2020 was not my best showing. Aside from my many strength and conditioning goals which were obviously not met due to closed gyms, I was a lot less academically productive than I would have liked also (very clearly also failing to meet my reading goals for 2020).

But, well, 2020 is weird, and out of this relative lack of productivity came the pretty astonishing success of the Melee Stats youtube channel. I think by now the channel has accumulated something like 500,000 views since may, which is a degree of success I am honestly not very used to when it comes to Melee content. It's hard for me to gauge how happy or sad I should be about the dramatic increase in exposure I have helped bring to my work and the work of my friends, relative to the lack of success I've had in other areas. It's hard to think about, so I think I probably just won't think about it, and instead just think about what I could be doing better.

For a more direct postmortem on the year, I think the clear winners for 2020 are Plup vs Prince Abu - The Weirdest Set Ever Played and Michael vs Bananas - The Only Reason We Play Melee, which were two videos which were wildly more successful than I anticipated. I did a great deal of writing in 2020, and feel like I improved a lot at it, even if the longform pieces on this website were mostly limited to Invasion of the Ballot Snatchers (and Other Stories), On What Makes Content Good, and the energy drink tier list.

Moving forwards in 2021, I think I would like it a lot if I could just be more consistent about things. I think 2020 has largely been characterized for me by bursts of immense motivation for a single project, followed by periods where I feel like I am spinning my wheels until something happens and my motivation returns to me. Approaching things a little bit at a time may not even really dramatically affect my output, but it would allow me to have a clearer vision of the things I want to accomplish and how I plan on accomplishing them.

My goals for 2020 I think are stratified across a few categories:

Melee Stats

  • Improve at Video Production (broad goal)
  • Complete 8 Projects for the Channel
  • Complete something feature length (or maybe slightly shorter)
  • Complete something interview-based

Machine Learning

  • Spend more time actually implementing new ideas, improve at SWE (broad goal)
  • Complete at least three longform posts on this website which involve a machine learning component
  • Publish a paper


  • Develop clear gameplans in all the relevant matchups
  • Have one strong performance in a large tournament in 2021

General Learning

  • Be more consistent about updating the links page, which has monthly goals on it
  • Read 10 books, at least 2 of which are textbooks
  • Be more consistent about using anki, miss fewer than half of days

There are a number of other goals I have which are dependent upon the covid vaccine. These exist (i.e. health related, lifting goals) but I will hold my tongue on them until the return to society is a bit more set in stone.

Regardless, definitely a weird year but onwards to 2021

November 2020


Things I Made

October 2020


  • Learned the Falco matchup felt like this

September 2020


  • Have been unusually busy I've been unusually behind on pretty much everything, and the COVID-19 lockdown in the United States has taken a bit of a toll on my motivation. Regardless, I've been making (somewhat) steady progress on things anyways, and have managed to not entirely turn into jello (so far).

Goals for October

  • Go back to exercising regularly been a bit on the backburner recently
  • Learn something which allows for better artistic expression probably drawing or more writing
  • Draft skeleton of next video, purchase a video camera Want to take a break from video stuff for a little bit but the ideas for what I'm gonna do next are unfortunately already forming

Things I Made

Things I Consumed

August 2020

Things I was a part of making

  • Hanky Panky - The Greatest Player Nobody Knows a Melee Stats film spearheaded by Anokh Palakurthi, who you might remember as the author of The Book of Melee. I have editor / narration credits on this one, which is why the title of this month's entry is a bit different, but this was a fun project that I was glad a lot of people seemed to like.

Things I Consumed

July 2020


  • Attended CogSci 2020 Really wish this conference was not virtual, since I think I would have loved the opportunity to speak to some of these researchers in person, but alas. I'll see if I can post some notes about it somewhere later.

Things I was a part of making

  • "Lud Pay My Rent" - Ft. PGH Carroll & The Creative Melee Discord. Edit By Battery. This won Ludwig's combo video contest and as a result we got a bunch of money which most of us donated to charity. (I asked for my share to be donated to RAINN). Definitely a pretty stacked roster so I felt pretty honored to be a part of it.
  • Patreon-Exclusive: Directors' Commentary: Plup vs Prince Abu Won't be including all of these but I figure it wouldn't hurt to include that we recorded this during this month, and that we plan on recording patron-exclusive behind-the-scenes content for our content moving forwards.

Things I Consumed

June 2020


  • Got back into running
  • Worked on some stuff on and off
  • Mostly took it easy

Goals for July

  • Improve at Running I mapped out a very hilly 5k route near my apartment, would be nice if I could get back into it and get some beginner milestones like 35:00 5k / 8:00 mile / whatever.
  • Learn to Play Melee again
  • Finish projects a few in the works, some I'm the lead on some I'm just collaborating with

Things I Consumed

May 2020


  • Held 4 second handstand I injured my leg halfway through this month so I was unfortunately unable to practice for much of the second half of the month, but here is a video of me doing a handstand (which isn't quite my longest but is pretty close)
  • Super burned out definitely pushed a bit too hard this month in general

Goals for June

  • Purchase XLR Microphone Given the success of our video this feels like a worthy purchase.
  • Take some time off I am very burnt out and need to spend a few days not working. I feel like I've earned this.

Things I Made

  • Plup vs Prince Abu - The Weirdest Set Ever Played I worked for most of the month on this video and somehow more then one hundred thousand people watched it. I will be honest, I didn't expect so much attention on this project, and random internet people sure are capable of saying some mean things. I perhaps overdid my homage to Jon Bois in making this video, but I'm proud of the effort we put into it and I'm very happy so many people watched it. More to come.

Things I Consumed

  • How to do good research, get it published good problems are important, have available data, and have clear win conditions. Domain experts from random fields can be good collab / problem-generation sources. Make sure your problem statement is super crystal clear and falsifiable. Synthetic data is garbage for many reasons, but ultimately because data people care about is very important. Simplicity is strength for a researcher, a paper implicitly says "this is the easiest way to get results this good". Look to other fields for solutions! (see: Range). Discussions on Durer's rhino / refuting literature. Make sure your problem actually exists. The first page of a paper and the Anchoring effect. Reproducibility is important. Define Acronyms Before They Are Used. Use all the space.
  • Effective Learning: Twenty Rules of Formulating Knowledge Don't learn if you don't understand. Learn before you memorize. Build upon basics. Make cards as simple as possible. Cloze deletions are good (core of incremental reading). Use pictures. Use mnemonics (but only really with like 1-5% of your cards). Graphic deletion is good. Avoid sets or enumerations of items (atomize). Minimize interference. Optimize wording. Refer to other memories. Personalize / use examples. Rely on emotional states. context clues to simplify wording. Redundancy isn't so bad. Provide sources. Provide date stamping. Prioritize.
  • Exploring the Landscape of Spatial Robustness I think this paper is cool since it's an "attack" which doesn't actually require a bad actor to see in operational use – you could just tilt the camera wrong. Pretty wild that this happens even when you use data augmentation specifically to try to make it invariant to these changes.

April 2020


  • Reached 20 chinups, 60 seconds frogstand, and stable headstand pretty awesome month for me, training-wise.
  • Paper which plagiarized my work was removed from the internet what an great event! I honestly expected nothing to happen but I'm glad this was clear enough to others for me to feel some validation that I wasn't crazy for feeling miffed about not getting cited on something so derivative.

Goals for May

  • Complete some novel video content I am working with some friends on something I think will be really cool, and it's a nice change of pace to get to do some video editing / writing practice instead of focusing so much on empirical-type work
  • Freestanding Handstand for ~5 seconds I've been practicing wall handstands and I definitely think I have the strength for it, just a matter of finding the balance point and being brave.
  • Make at least 500 anki cards I've felt an unusual surge of motivation lately and it's being reflected in my reading and study habits. It's honestly not the worst thing if this doesn't continue as-is but as it stands I would like to make good use of this fleeting feeling.

Things I've Made

  • twitter combos a true pandemic hellscape is one where I am playing netplay regularly, but at least some funny stuff happened on the way there

Things I've Consumed

  • Shortcut Learning in Deep Neural Networks a truly great paper; and I'm not just saying that because of the cogsci-AI intersection. Think the problems raised in this paper are really important and they really pick the correct papers to cover. Likewise, the references section being annotated is something I didn't realize I needed more of. A fantastic starting place for people interested in how models learn.
  • Augmenting Long-Term Memory (Neilsen, Anki) Using anki for reading papers: quick pass through -> add extremely elementary questions (which types of neural networks did alphago use?), do 5-6 of these passes and then do a thorough read. "I find Anki works much better when used in service to some personal creative project." Shallow reads of papers: 10-60 minutes, 5-20 anki cards. "Visualize the figure from X where Y". Break questions into atomic subcomponents, even if that means two cards on the same thing (ln -s filename linkname -> ln-s and filename linkname)
  • The Misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth ask yourself to explain how things work before you decide you know how they work, especially for devices, where people often are overconfident they understand the relevant mechanisms just because the device itself is very easy to picture.
  • Adaptive Forgetting Curves for Spaced Repetition Learning using NN model to capture complexity of words in an SRS, and adapting the forgetting curves dynamically. The paper I'm not so sure about, but the result that different cards have different forgetting curves not entirely matching the anki-heuristic / ebbinghaus curves matches my experience that sometimes cards are just hard. Solutions to this?
  • Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review super good taxonomy of solutions to imbalance problems
  • HugS86's best smash tweets of all time featuring me, randomly
  • Incremental Reading a little wacko for me to actually implement, honestly, but an interesting perspective on how I can change how my SRS usage interacts with my reading
  • G-Boy: Wii / GameCube Portable DIY Kit todo: consider making embedded portable crt with a wii inside it
  • Neru & z'5 - I~ya i~ya i~ya

March 2020


  • Purchased a stationary bike I read some papers on low impact cardio and how it affects cognition, since I'm now mostly trapped inside and need to get creative about staying active. I settled on buying a stationary bike over other types of exercise equipment since a stationary bike would mostly allow for multitasking (flashcards, watching something, etc).
  • Purchased a pair of gymnastics rings Helpful for strength training and generally pretty cool training tool
  • Set rep PR for pullups not quite at 20 yet but close

Goals for April

  • Become comfortable doing calisthenics Since the gyms are all closed, I have been doing bodyweight training in order to stay in shape. Since calisthenics has a much higher skill component compared to powerlifting (since you add resistance by doing harder movements), I am currently a bit behind on the learning curve. A good measurable goal for this would be a 60 seconds frogstand.
  • Continue doing high volume of pullups I might have to get off of armstrong since the thursday and monday volumes usually leave me way too fatigued the next day and I feel like I would get tendonitis on this program eventually, but continuing a high volume of pullups in pursuit of the 20 rep set remains a goal of mine before progressing towards OAC variations.
  • Cardio during multitasks I have this stationary bike and I have a few references suggesting doing this during other tasks won't dramatically harm them, so it seems like a good use of time.
  • Study hard, don't lose focus during quarantine

Things I've Made

Things I've Consumed

February 2020


  • Spent less time on social media I took a well needed breather from social media and it helped me feel a lot better about pretty much everything.

Goals for March

  • Stay inside during Coronavirus
  • Rerun armstrong program, aiming for 20 pullups
  • Try to maintain health / fitness / sanity during lockdown

Things I've Consumed

  • Dopamine and Temporal Difference Learning: A Fruitful Relationship Between Neuroscience and AI dopamine neurons in rat brains have long been known to perform some sort of reward prediction analogous to TD learning in reinforcement learning; Deepmind + Harvard looked at many of these neurons to see if all of them together capture the full reward distribution instead of just the average. Turns out, they sorta do! Certain of these cells are more optimistic or pessimistic, and together from the ensemble you can reconstruct a pretty good representation of the ground truth reward distribution. Interesting to think of the implications of overweighing optimistic vs pessimistic dopamine cells.
  • Working memory revived in older adults by synchronizing rhythmic brain circuits and this powerpoint on cross frequency coupling the neuro in this paper is a bit out of this element (hence the unrelated powerpoint) but I think the implication that cognitive decline might be directly associated with phase amplitude decoupling is really interesting, since I've only ever really heard of PAC as a generic marker for brain activity. The fact that this can be recoupled in a non-invasive way to relatively lasting effects is kind of nuts.
  • How does exercise treatment compare with antihypertensive medications? Meta-analysis suggests exercise is pretty comparable to drug intervention on this front, although the broad categories of "exercise" or even stuff like "resistance training" is highly variable depending on the subject. That said, the comparison is tricky because most people who exercise in these studies have pretty decent blood pressure at baseline, and restricting to only patients who would be labeled as hypertensive seems to suggest a greater chance for improvement there.
  • LEARNING THE HELIX TOPOLOGY OF MUSICAL PITCH pitch can be modeled by a helix which makes a full turn every octave, some experiments to learn a 3d representation of 1d data to produce this structure.
  • Analyzing the Dependency of ConvNets on Spatial Information randomly shuffling features or channels in the later layers of convnets largely doesn't affect performance (assuming it's done in train time as well); spatial information in later layers is mostly useless, which is pretty interesting.
  • Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection I think it's very interesting that you can just print these out and wear them if you train the adversarial network to output a particularly friendly image for printing. However, I think that concerns about this sort of attack are somewhat overblown (and are mostly demonstrations on how brittle deep networks are) since I think there are more likely causes for misclassification than adversarial attacks which often rely on access to the model to generate patches anyways (e.g. stop signs which are defaced or at unusual angles, people of poorly represented ethnicities in the training data, etc)
  • Fundamental Tradeoffs between Invariance and Sensitivity to Adversarial Perturbations Making a network better against sensitivity-based adversarial examples makes it actively worse against invariance-based adversarial attacks, which is a pretty interesting followup to the ICLR 2019 paper describing their existence.
  • Ad libitum Weekend Recovery Sleep Fails to Prevent Metabolic Dysregulation during a Repeating Pattern of Insufficient Sleep and Weekend Recovery Sleep I know there's lots of papers telling you not to do the weekday sleep deprivation -> weekend crash thing, but seeing that doing this reduces insulin sensitivity alongside damaging eating habits / circadian rhythm / etc was pretty jarring.
  • Curiosity and Exploration "We also have evidence that prolonged subjection to an inordinately monotonous or unstimulating environment is detrimental to a variety of psychological functions"… "organisms may seek out stimulation that taxes the nervous system to the right extent, when naturally occurring stimuli are either too easy or too difficult to assimilate." Discomfort from a lack of information and specific exploratory responses to alleviate it is called curiosity, compared to simple novelty- or variety-seeking behavior via diversive exploration. By experiment, older children like looking at more complicated patterns than younger children. Nearness to equiprobability -> greater curiosity. Patterns which emerge which elicit specific exploration are usually referred to as "interesting" whereas ones which emerge from diversive exploration are considered "pleasing". Experiments involved providing methamphetamine to rats which is some true 1960s science.
  • Josh Tenenbaum - The cognitive science perspective: Reverse-engineering the mind (CCN 2017) mostly a visual companion to Building machines that learn and think like people outlining the challenges for artificial intelligence based on cognitive science.

January 2020


  • Met monthly goals Not much to say about them, feels nice though
  • Got Plagiarized Kind of wild that this happened before I got a proper citation, but I have always wanted to know what the consequences for something like this are, so it'll be funny to see how that ends up going.

Goals for February

  • Do some more cardio I've been fairly interested in jump roping recently, and I think it would be good to incorporate some more endurance work into my exercise just for general health benefits.
  • Make reading more consistent I think in the coming month my life will probably undergo some big changes so I will need to reorganize my daily routines in order to make my learning more effective.
  • Spend less time on social media As always, after mpgr season spending time on social media irritates me far more than is useful for motivating me to do projects. Spending some time unplugged should make me happier and allow me a more focused headspace.

Things I've Made

Things I've Consumed

  • Building machines that learn and think like people (+ peer commentary, + author response) a bit of a long read but a pretty good one that ended up dominating most of my January reading. The authors claim that human "start-up software" make human performance benchmarks nebulous, and identify a number of conceptual elements which could be targeted to make AI think and learn more like humans: intuitive physics and psychology, compositionality, learning-to-learn, and fast/efficient real-time learning and thinking. Main article claims constraints based on biological plausibility are putting the cart before the horse, since our understanding of these biological systems are, themselves, cartoon representations of their actual functionality, and subject to change as we gain more understanding of them. Peer commentary was a refreshing component of this, and was categorized by the authors into three axes: nature vs nurture, symbolic vs sub-symbolic, and coherent theories vs theory fragments. Some of the more common specific components on this front were concerns of embodiment, social cognition (i.e. learning from other agents, or a culture), and intrinsic motivation. Definitely a very good read, and led me to a number of other cool papers.
  • RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) I'm not a league player but I stumbled upon all of this league music recently and it's pretty baffling. It's pretty crazy thinking about how different Melee would be if it had riot-level money behind it, as opposed to a developer actively crippling the infrastructure.


December 2019


  • Set PRs on every compound lift Fairly happy about my progress in this part of my life, excited to continue doing so

Goals for January

  • 2 plate squat, 3 plate deadlift (for reps) I'm like 15-20 pounds off of both of these relatively novice lifting milestones, breaking through them will make me feel pretty good.
  • Read a bunch of papers from random fields I think it would be fun to read some new stuff outside what I normally read, and I've had the altmetric website bookmarked for months so I want to read some interesting new stuff this month.
  • Complete and submit MPGR 2019 ballot Lots of time and effort

Things I've Made

  • Range outline some notes on Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

Things I've Consumed


I don't think it would surprise anybody to hear that I consider 2019 to be, probably, my most successful year ever. The most exciting thing to me about this year was that it blew the door open for my personal development, and I can see so much space in front of me to continue to grow. At the end of last year, my number one goal was Dramatically restructure my life to spend higher percentage of time doing things I find interesting instead of just a few hours a day, and at the risk of sounding too much like I'm bragging, I think I can safely say that I crushed this goal. I finally feel like I'm doing something I'm well-suited for, and while stuff like motivation waxes and wanes, the amount of time I actually get to dedicate towards genuinely fascinating things is so much higher than it has ever been. I don't feel reliant on feeling especially motivated to do things, which may have somewhat harmed my motivation levels but vastly improved my output.

That said, an extremely large share of this output is now taking place outside this website, which detracted somewhat from the second goal I had this year (i.e. 15 projects, 4-5 being big ones with longform writing piece attached). I was able to put out Predicting Personality with Playstyle in Super Smash Brothers which even now I'm shocked I was able to complete in such a short timeframe (8 days). However, 2019 was largely characterized by a sort of academic powerleveling in my life, with comparatively little interesting output (at least public-facing). I feel good about my progress (getting spun up on deep learning from the ground up, working through probmods, reading literally hundreds of papers) but now that I'm more settled into my new lifestyle I'm hoping that I can put a greater focus on making cool things.

I was unable to read 20 books, but given that so much of my time was spent reading I am just going to count this as a successful goal anyways (going through probmods alone involved reading close to 60 papers alongside the textbook, with exercises, and only incremented this counter by 1).

I feel good about my fitness progress in 2019, as well, although perhaps not relative to the amount of time I put into them this year. I went from ~V2+/V3- to ~V3+/V4- at climbing, which was not quite as much progress as I would've liked but was good progress nonetheless. My weight training was up and down, largely influenced by my dramatic lifestyle changes this year, but the important thing is that I'm back on the grind and I'm stronger than I've ever been. I'm definitely not there yet, but I made some progress and I'm happy with that.

2020 goals:

  • 1/2/3/4 plate compound lifts This should put me just past intermediate for most lifts, unless my weight dramatically changes
  • Climb V6 Figure this will be a nice counterbalance to ensure my weight doesn't get out of control
  • Get published
  • Read at least 4 textbooks, across at least 2 fields
  • Read 15 books
  • Post at least 5 longform writing pieces on this website
  • Fully optimize lifestyle around happiness

November 2019


  • Completed Armstrong Program I did this program for 6 weeks and brought my max chin-up from 8 to 16 reps and my total volume per week from 150ish reps to 300ish reps. My form still needs some work and it’s a bit of a ways from my original goal of 20 reps, but given that I gained a little bit of weight I am fairly pleased with how this turned out and plan to maintain the habit of doing pull-ups so I can get to my goal of 20
  • Started lifting weights again honestly fairly irritated that I pulled myself away from weights this long, considering how nice it feels to do these workouts. I’ve managed to get most of the way back to where I was at my strongest, which I think says an embarrassing amount about how low those lifts were, but the important thing is that I am making steady progress.

Goals for December

  • Enjoy my holidays, reflect upon 2019 December is nice because it’s a nice season of burnout prevention along with a good arbitrary stopping point for annual postmortem. I’ll spend some of December drilling into what exactly I have learned, what I want to learn, and how I can improve in my learning process.
  • Set PRs on all main lifts this should be fairly doable since I think I’m roughly 10-20 pounds away from my best ever lifts (although I am a bit heavier than I was back then, so not by wilks). I should probably record videos of these to check my form, but I doubt I’ll post them anywhere public.

Things I’ve made

  • SSBM hitbox styleGAN a fun little project I decided to abandon a full writeup for, considering the results were not as nice as I would’ve wanted for that.

Things I’ve consumed

October 2019


  • Did a lot of reading, unfortunately distributed lots of pages read, not many completed books.
  • Went to my friend's wedding it was great

Goals for November

  • Finish things started in October I made some progress on a few things (books, projects, etc) so I would like to complete those this month.
  • Get Stronger, Do 20 Pull-Ups I have recently started the Armstrong Pull-Up Program since I wanted to work on my pulling strength relative to my bodyweight, and currently max out at about 11 for a single set (at roughly 165 lbs); likewise some friends of mine are going to be starting GCZLP soon and I feel this is a good as excuse as ever to get myself back in the weight room (and seems like a nice transition from GSLP).
  • Get more disciplined with study habits I've fallen behind on Anki repetitions and my note-taking has been lagging behind what it normally is, so fixing those should be a priority for me this month.

Things I've Consumed

  • The Brand New Climber's Training Primer Generally a big fan of this periodization idea which is talked about, and I'll need to do some thinking about it. The general splitting of Base/Strength/Power/Power-Endurance/Stamina seems like a nice way to formalize my current issue of having wildly different fitness focuses at any given time, and cycling through them seems relatively sensible.
  • The Vertical Jump Bible 2.0 building off the idea of periodization, wanted to do some research into generic lower body power routines since most of the climbing literature talks primarily about upper body power. My big takeaways here are that for a good vertical jump there are three general locuses of training: one - getting to 1.5x bodyweight barbell squat and low bodyfat percentage; two - if your standing vertical is less than your depth jump, you should work on power; three - if your depth jump is better than your standing vertical, you should work on strength. There's lots of routines in this book I might revisit when I work on power but the two takeaways for me are that I should probably add power cleans and depth jumps / pylometrics to that part of my periodization (if I care about it)
  • Starting to Stretch: /r/flexibility beginner routine I go back and forth about whether I consider myself particularly flexible but I think it would be useful if I worked on mobility a bit; I might add this to my pre-sleep routine at some point, mostly saving this here for when that time comes.

September 2019


  • Did some traveling for work spent some time in Chicago this month, which was an interesting experience. I tried some deep dish pizza and it was okay, definitely quite a bit less good compared to New Haven / New York / Most other good pizza I've eaten in my life.
  • Research thoughts this month I've been grappling with the fact that research involves trying to unearth things which are not known to have answers already, and therefore there are no promises about whether your idea will actually work or not. I think this is a really important part of the process, even though it feels not-so-nice when your beautiful idea doesn't pan out. Confronting your failures in this way, I think, is a very important part of being a researcher, and I'm learning that it's important to view the chance to explore an idea as a fun thing for its own sake, independent of the idea solving your problem outright.

Goals for October

  • Read Books My book reading progress has stalled substantially in the last few months, despite my daily reading increasing substantially. I think October will be really good for working through my backlog of books, which I've generally been neglecting in favor of papers / documentation / etc.
  • Make Things It's been a while since I did anything cool outside of work, so let's aim to change that this month

Things I've Made

  • Updated resume using awesomeCV as a template. Nothing special, really, just wanted practice using LaTeX and wanted to update my resume to my current job.

Things I've Consumed

  • Teaching Law Students to be Self-Regulated Learners Mirrors some of my frustrations, both with the attitude of teachers and the attitude of learners towards teachers, which I consider to be extremely poor particularly in the United States. "When given appropriate instruction, nearly all law students can achieve mastery – not minimum competence, but mastery – of the skills of the novice lawyer." Setting goals and monitoring self-efficacy can boost achievement by 30 percent and, critically, this is not an innate thing, you can teach it and learn it and just reap this 30% boost. Self-Regulated / Expert learning involves three phases which abstractly can be thought of as the scientific method applied to academic tasks – forethought, performance, and reflection, a large portion of which is oriented towards calibrating awareness of not knowing something, and being able to comprehend how you would turn yourself into someone who does know that thing. Teaching students to approach their own learning in this fashion generally makes things happier and easier for everyobdy involved, since the students will be able to assess where/why they don't understand something and prevent the teacher from having to dig around to find this out. Really interesting to see where this entirely practical perspective intersects with the psychology literature on this topic. "[Those with] mastery goals are more likely to ask themselves how they can accomplish their goals and what they will learn (and usually select tasks based on the learning value of those tasks) whereas those with performance goals are more likely to ask whether they can do the task and whether they will look smart (and usually select tasks based on their ease)." .
  • Celeste - Chapter 9: Farewell So much to say, so little space to say it. Chapter 9 is an amazing culmination of all my favorite things about my favorite single-player video game, with a soundtrack combining all the motifs together from the previous chapters. The level design is great, it expects so much from the player and in turn feels like you've actually achieved something meaningful every time you complete an obstacle. Obstacles designed to be passed using wavedashing is something I didn't expect to experience in canon, but the team behind Celeste goes above and beyond here, adding rooms specifically designed for skilled play. I honestly could rant about Celeste for hours (which I have have done before), but all I will say about farewell is that it's supposed to serve as a goodbye, but it instead completely reignited my interest in the game and I've been on a quest to collect all the goldens (currently at 191/202).
  • Developing a Permanent Treatment for Lactose Intolerance Using Gene Therapy I recently discovered about myself that I am lactose intolerant, and somebody linked me this video after I made a tweet about it. This is, easily, one of the most psycho things I've ever seen. I have mixed feelings about the philosophy behind this video (that is: DIY biohacking should be open source. Feels noble for something so useful but also seems wildly dangerous, not informed enough to say myself), but I have to applaud this guy for dedicating his academic career to solving a problem about his own body and actually doing it.

August 2019


  • Cycled off of Caffeine I was drinking something like 280-300mg of caffeine per day and realized that I was losing focus on weekends because I wouldn't drink energy drinks and then get headaches. I quit cold for a week and it was miserable, but now caffeine does the normal things to me again. Techyphylaxis is crazy! Will need to keep an eye on this in the future.
  • Was less productive August, admittedly, vanished a bit from me. I worked hard at work and did a little it of reading, but I spent a good amount of this month doing stuff like watching anime and watching random youtube videos. I think this is okay! Having this sort of month I think is pretty good for helping you prevent burnout, and I think this was largely inevitable given that a good amount of this month was spent doing the above.

Goals for August

  • Get more comfortable using LaTeX I am starting to use latex a bit more often and I think spending some time grinding out notes using it would be useful.
  • Math/Stats Grind In particular, I want to continue working through my statistics textbook and Velleman's How To Prove It.
  • Greater focus on reading especially outside of work

Things I've Consumed

  • The Earth is Round (p < .05) Extremely angry article on how null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) is terrible. "I resisted the temptation to call it statistical hypothesis inference testing". Introduces the illusion of attaining improbability. Criticizes the accept-reject dichotomy, since rejection of null hypothesis doesn't necessarily mean your theory about it is true. Setting the effect size to 0 as H0 is literally always false for small enough effect sizes, see Meehl's "crud factor" (Everything is related to everything else).
  • Do Studies of Statistical Power Have an Effect on the Power of Studies? (Sedlmeier and Gigerenzer 1989) Nobody ever mentions statistical power alongside significance, with median power as low as .25 often being used as confirmation of the null hypothesis. Standard statistical practice (which I read about in Introductory Statistics with R and apparently comes from Cohen 1965) fixes power at .80 and alpha at .05 before calculating n, but much research just tries to collect some n first, and Cohen found that for medium effect sizes the median experiment had a 50% chance of finding a significant effect in cases where there was a true effect. 24 years later, in a meta review, it turns out nobody listened to Cohen, and power is still ignored. "Obviously the important thing… is to have a low real error, not to have a 'significant' result at a particular station. The latter seems to me to be nearly valueless in itself" -Gosset, 1908

July 2019


  • There are a lot of things to read I spent a lot of July reading interesting papers surrounded by people that know so many things. I am really happy with this, but it's hard to not get wrapped up in how much I feel I have left to learn. I'm trying to balance a pragmatic learning strategy with a broader intellectual curiosity, but we will see how that evolves as the months go by.

Goals for August

  • Grind Out Stats My stats background is very rudimentary at the moment, and I think I'd make huge strides in understanding a lot of the more technical work in my field.
  • Do more programming Most of my out-of-work time was spent reading in July, and as much as I love reading I think a bit more focus on practice rather than theory would make me feel more secure about my progress.

Things I've made

Things I've consumed

  • Probabilistic Models of Cognition Web textbook on the probabilistic approach to cognitive science, using probabilistic programming to model learning and reasoning. My full thoughts can be found in the notebook above, but I thought this was super cool! I wish there were more resources for cognitive scientists like this.
Cognitive Science
  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence (Turing 1950) The original turing test paper, which I hadn't read until now, is an amusing window into what the field was like in the 50s. There's a number of things Turing came up with that were so impressively ahead of the curve, and yet a huge portion of this paper is dedicated to assuaging concerns that "God provided only man with souls" and "The statistical evidence, at least for telepathy, is overwhelming". Hilarious!
  • Reconstructing Constructivism: Causal Models, Bayesian Learning Mechanisms, and the Theory Theory (Gopnik & Wellman 2012) A great paper which I would tl;dr as "why should a cognitive scientist care about probabilistic modeling". I think this paper is written at an undergraduate level, and contains only one equation in it (that being bayes theorem). Probabilistic models and causal bayes nets as potential answers to the inverse problem, which allows you to actually figure out the highest-probability explanation for a set of evidence (i.e. a set of symptoms for a list of diseases). Some evidence that children learn in a way roughly approximable by probabilistic models (I wish I remembered more from my undergrad developmental psych class!). Bayesian Pedagogical Models formalize a thought I remember having in an intro psychology course - children assume different probabilistic models if they assume the person they are interacting with are trying to teach them something (i.e. they assume that the input is informative in some way). might be worth going back later if I ever need to refresh on some relevant developmental psychology vis-a-vis probabilistic modeling, which I was vaguely familiar with and didn't flashcard since I don't work much with children.
  • Perceptual Multistability as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inference perceptual instabilities (think the necker cube illusion) can be modeled by MCMC methods. This paper was in NIPS 2009! Back when this conference was more cogsci-ish, I suppose.
  • Bootstrapping in a language of thought: A formal model of numerical concept learning 2012 paper which models children number-concept learning as a simple lambda calculus program (which knows either small sets or the more complicated generative rule) in order to argue the bootstrapping theory of Carey 2009 is easily formally modeled and explains the development of children quite accurately. These kids papers are always great when they include quotes. "E: What if I told you there was a number after a million and ninety nine? A million one hundred." "D.S: Well, I wish there was a million and one hundred, but there isn't."
  • Optimal Predictions in Everyday Cognition alluded to in How to grow a Mind; when given a vague question like "if you meet someone that is 60 years old, how much longer will they live" people seem to naturally gravitate towards the right distributions (i.e. gaussians for lifespans, power law distributions for box office grossing, etc) for their predictions. Amusing that they had to dump out the marriage question because 52% of the respondents said the marriages would last forever, roughly equal to the proportion of non-divorced marriages, but couldn't average "forever" with anything to get an accurate median. Uncovering this sort of distribution with aggregate intuition is probably why prediction markets are usually pretty effective predictors despite only some proportion of the predictors being "superforecasters"
  • Inferring Subjective Prior Knowledge: An Integrative Bayesian Approach GT 2006 showed that people's models of stuff like lifespan / movie lengths is well-tuned to the real world, but people keep using it to claim priors equal to the real world - how does it hold up when you give them a fantasy question (i.e. lifespans in 2075)? This methodology can't be used, you can't assume the prior (+ it could just be different). Tauber and Steyvers use an integrative approach to infer if the environmental prior was normal, erlang, or pareto distributed, and were able to mostly faithfully reproduce GT 2006 along with infer a new distribution around the fantasy age question despite no environmental data to fit it with.
  • Minds, Brains, and Programs (Searle 1980) the original Chinese Room thought experiment paper. Worth reading for the history. I think that where this errs is that it tries to ascribe agency to any particular part of the system, rather than to the entire system, even though they are not isomorphic, which is the key thing missing from his commentary. An equivalent question would be something like "imagine you are a single neuron, and you get a bunch of inputs and produce specific outputs according to specific rules. You live in the fusiform face area, but you don't actually know what faces look like, ergo you have no understanding of faces, ergo neurons don't understand faces, ergo you can't actually perceive faces" which obviously doesn't work - you are attributing intentionality to the component and not to the system, and the system is what actually does the "understanding", which Searle just waves away as "obviously ridiculous".
  • How, whether, why: Causal judgments as counterfactual contrasts (Gerstenberg et al) Proposes counterfactual simulation model as a means of explaining how people make causal judgements, split into whether causes (removing would change the outcome) and how causes (perturbation would have changed the outcome) and uses billiards as a means of differentiating these two. Includes sufficiency and robustness as factors, although only the former provided explanatory power. People roughly simulate situations like these using vaguely newtonian physics, and can imagine how things work if things are changed in the scene.
  • Descriptive vs optimal bayesian modeling "suboptimality" in bayesian modeling to better fit human data; you can give up on optimality in bayesian modeling and still make use of the framework to describe cognition. Discusses a "data discounting" parameter, along with some thoughts on replication case studies in the TNPS paper.
  • Ping Pong in Church (Gerstenberg and Goodman 2012) using probabilistic programming to make inferences about tournament results given sparse amounts of information (a topic very near to my heart, as anyone that knows me knows). Uses very toy examples with very few players, but "Probabilistic Language of Thought" matches human intuition despite very limited amount of information (i.e. A beats B, and B beats C and D, so A is probably pretty good). Interested to see if this sort of approach scales much further beyond four players, perhaps something to look into myself.
  • The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian program: A critique of the adaptationist programme (S.J. Gould 1979) Senseless adaptationism is no different from saying inane stuff like "noses are the perfect shape for glasses, so we must have evolved to wear glasses." The causality is directly backwards; just because something is used for something, does not necessarily mean it was evolved for that specific use (sexual selection for blushing doesn't tell us why blood is red). Plus, it's not really falsifiable; it's just a fun story. "[he said] it was obvious that the delicate mouths of the [sweat] glands required the protection given to them by the [fingerprint] ridges on either side of them… I replied that his arguments were beautiful and deserved to be true, but it happened that the mouths of the ducts did not run in the valleys between the crests, but along the crests of the ridges themselves."
  • Reductionism and the Nature of Psychology (Putnam 1979) compare to talks on Reductionism in Godel, Escher, Bach; The opposite of reductionism isn't vitalism. Everything is physics, but physics doesn't explain everything because understanding phenomena in any field is about explaining things in that field. People are not turing machines. Some notes on the ad-hoc-ness of IQ e.g. how it does well but only really within groups, not between them.
Machine Learning
  • Please Stop Explaining Black Box Models for High-Stakes Decisions Explainable ML is overrated. Explanations are dimensionality reductions, and necessarily lose information (lest they be the entirety of the model). Corporations making profits from black-box models is a problem, and truly interpetable models are rare because they need to be human-parsable and also hold up to expert analysis, which nobody making these things actually has. Gives some (somewhat naive) possible solutions to this problem.
  • Performance-enhancing bacteria found in the microbiomes of elite athletes Venillonella is a bacteria which eats lactic acid (which is produced from exercise) and creates propionate, which is a short-chain fatty acid typically produced after eating fiber. Researcher found this bacteria was way more common in marathoners, started selling capsules with the bacteria in it. Is this a performance enhancing drug? Interesting to think about the implications.
  • What Do We Actually Know About the Economy? (Wonkish) A fun read about the predictive power of macroeconomics and the relative shortcomings of microeconomics, and about how microeconomics fails to paint a clear picture of human behavior. "Rational behavior" is more of a thought experiment than a good reflection of reality. "Data can never absolve you from the necessity of having theories". I am admittedly a bit out of my depth reading an opinion piece on econ, but it was a decent read nonetheless.
  • How does Spanish Buzz Lightyear sound in Spanish? a wonderful demonstration of linguistic distance! The joke is the same in all three versions, but the execution necessarily needs to be more dramatic in each version lest the joke be lost in the similarity. Allegedly they had to get a flamenco singer for the european spanish dub!
  • Uber Technology Day: Thinking Like a Human Noah Goodman of stanford / probmods talking about probabilistic programming, and about how they capture reasoning under uncertainty, social dynamics, and knowledge abstraction. Funny that his tug-of-war algorithm is just a probabilistic program which implements trueskill! Also interesting is the claim that making inferences on inferences makes programs "social" in some way. Claims connection to deep learning (!) to use deep learning to learn to do inference (see vine/electric generation demo).

June 2019


  • Climbed 5 V4 Boulder Problems I feel good about my climbing lately - here's a video.
  • I read a lot of papers now Unlike before, I couldn't possibly hope to record all my notes on papers I read without this document becoming prohibitively long (it's already starting to grow substantially), so from now on I will only be putting on this page my notes on papers I thought were particularly interesting that month.

Goals for July

  • Work through Probabilistic Models of Cognition
  • Read voraciously, work hard
  • Better outline my short- and medium-term learning goals and resources

Things I've Made / Obtained

  • Certificates - 01 03 03 04 05 Specialization Turns out you can get these certificates after auditing the course, which means I managed to obtain all of these during the 7-day free trial. I figured it couldn't hurt to get these if they were free, so I did so.

Things I've Consumed

  • Deepmind - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning 10 part lecture series on RL from David Silver, the lead researcher for alphago (what more could you possibly ask for?). Silver explains things quite well and it's very obvious he has a very deep knowledge of the subject matter - when he is confronted with a question from a student during these lectures he virtually always immediately understands the questions and gives a well-forumulated, complete answer.
  • Active Learning (Burr Settles) a survey book on the relatively sparse field of Active Learning. As such, a very short book, but I was extremely impressed by the clarity and readability of it, and would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking to learn about the field. Most researchers cite this book and zero other works when writing anything about Active Learning, and considering it's readable in a single focused afternoon it's probably worth reading if you have any interest in the field at all.
  • Weight Agnostic Neural Networks Another hardmaru paper, which means it's an insane paper with excellent interactive visualization. Literally baffled that they get 90%+ on MNIST with literally completely random weights. Would be really surprised if this doesn't win best paper at NeurIPS (assuming it was submitted).
  • Invisible Designers: Brain Evolution Through the Lens of Parasite Manipulation "How much of our neural complexity is a necessary defense against manipulative invaders? How much of the enormous redundancy is to provide system level functionality if part of the system is attacked? How much of the complex process of wiring a brain during development is to prevent pathogen re-wiring?" Claims complex animal brains evolved robustness and strong defense due to selection pressure from parasites - the blood-brain barrier to restrict access to the brain, decoy molecules to trick parasites into binding something useless, increasing the costs of manipulation, increasing the complexity of signals, etc. Animal brains can perform a sort of targeted dropout when they detect that their activations are unusual in some way (as a means of foiling manipulation).
  • How To Grow a Mind and MIT Seminar on the same topic; it feels good to read work in cognitive science again, and I think I am going to direct my learning in this sort of computational cogsci direction. You can model lots of types of behavior pretty well with typical bayesian analysis, one interesting idea being the idea that if you have a single example of things in a known super-category (i.e. one cow, which is an animal) then you can reason that it's probably close to other cows in a similar way that sheep are close to other sheep. You can find the best structure for different problems!
  • Strong Inference (Platt 1964) you can make much faster progress through uncharted territory if you rigidly iterate between hypothesizing, designing experiments, and executing the experiments. Argues most scientists just do random bs and write as if they knew steps 1, 2, and 3 all along. "The difference between the average scientist's informal methods and the methods of the strong-inference users is somewhat like the difference between a gasoline engine that fires occasionally and one that fires in steady sequence. If our motorboat engines were as erratic as our deliberate intellectual efforts, most of us would not get home for supper" (ouch!)
  • The Head and The Hands (Koenderink 2002) Some cool thoughts on research practices of "thinking with your head" and "thinking with your hands", i.e. theorizing and experimenting, and how people often dramatically prefer one to the other. Interesting contrast with Platt's strong inference paper. I think the takeaway here is that both of these are pretty important; if you think about the scientific method as an english version of bayes' theorem, sometimes you just need to open the door a few times to give yourself any sort of prior at all.
  • Why Most Published Research Findings are False (Ionnidis 2005) on the replication crisis. Research findings are more likely to be false if the sample size is small, the effect size is small, the greater number / lesser selection of tested relationships, the relationships are handwavey (i.e. "condition worsens"), the greater financial interests exists, and the hotter a scientific field is (please see: artificial intelligence). The title is, perhaps, deliberately provocative, but all of this just follows from the definitions of p-values and statistical power (the latter of which is usually ignored), so you should pay attention and remember to do your bonferonni corrections, etc. "a finding from a well-conducted adequately powered randomized controlled trial starting with a 50% pre-study chance that intervention is effective is eventually true about 85% of the time" (!). Argues we should stop chasing statistical significance and spend more time understanding the range of R values (i.e. priors).
  • Vision - Marr’s Levels of Analysis "In the 1960s almost no one realized that machine vision was difficult… the idea that extracting edges and lines from images might be at all difficult simply did not occur to those who had not tried to do it." "Trying to understand perception by studying only neurons is like trying to understand bird flight by studying only feathers: it simply cannot be done."
  • Fuzzy Methodology (Cohen 1992) a quick two-pager about a psychologist with a relatively important publication that almost tossed the whole thing because statisticians told him his methodology was trivial and lacked rigor. Cohen's contribution wasn't the methodology (which was, after all, trivial and fuzzy) but the bridging of two fields in a novel way. "obsessed by the issue of statistical significance, for a quantitative science, psychology has a remarkably low level of awareness of just how big the phenomena with which it deals." Advice for publications: 1. be brilliant, 2. write on methodology, 3. write to answer a widely felt need, 4. be lucky (useful for AI conferences, also, "rub a rabbit's foot as you drop your manuscript into the mailbox"). Cognitive Science might make you self-conscious from being learned in many fields but not necessarily world-expert in all of them, but you can frame this more positively as harnessing Shoshin.
  • Creative Hypothesis Generating in Psychology (Cohen 1992) Heuristics for generating hypotheses (through the lens of psychology), broadly split into five categories: deliberately noticing provocative natural occurences, direct inference, mediated inference, reinterpreting existing research, and analyses on data, further subdivided into subcategories containing specific heuristics (nice table on page 4-5). Not all of these apply to every researcher but a useful read to think about how you generate your own hypotheses and if you're too strongly limiting the actual ways in which you come up with your ideas (e.g. only after reading tons of things about the topic). Amusing was Heuristic G22 - physiological prod to jolt one's thinking - in which he discusses using substances to alter your thinking to allow you to come up with more ideas, something no doubt inspired by Paul Erdos' morbidly amusing amphetamine use.
  • VR First Person Ocarina of Time Kaze Emanuar continues to impress, I was pretty baffled that this sort of thing is possible but it turns out other dolphin games also have codes written for them to move the camera into first person in order to make it compatible with VR
  • The Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness so far the most interesting of the lectures I've seen from the CBMM youtube channel. Lays out a framework for "grading" the consciousness of graphs, and notably feedforward networks have a consciousness score of 0 due to the lack of self-reference. Claims within this framework that full-brain emulation in a computer would also be non-conscious despite perfect emulation and behavioral capturing, since the underlying representation will be computable with a turing machine and thereby is no different than simulating the weather would make the inside of your computer wet.
  • John Mayer Berklee College of Music Masterclass (2008) They reuploaded this! One of my favorite demonstrations on any subject (I'll have to download this video in case it is removed again in the future)
  • 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3 floats lose precision when performing operations on real numbers
  • 39 studies about human perception in 30 minutes a pretty cool review of the perception literature with regards to extracting information from visualizations. Pie charts are not always bad! (although they usually are) and you definitely shouldn't be using line plots for things that don't display trends.

May 2019

Goals for June

  • Build some toy deep learning projects
  • Climb five V4 boulder problems
  • Learn some rudimentary Reinforcement Learning

Things I've Made

  • Novelty Dispersion Phenomenon I've noticed in people who create things, that I figured was frequent enough for me to name and write about.

Things I've Consumed

  • - Deep Learning Specialization I completed courses 1,2,3, and 5 this month. I feel like I got a lot out of taking all of these courses (they took me about a month to get through all 5, although I had the luxury of a lot of time to spend on it), and I think Andrew Ng's teaching style is very clear and he gets the big-picture ideas into the student relatively quickly, which I appreciated about these lectures. I think Ng glosses over a huge body of information in an effort to make the course more approachable, but it ends up being a giant meme (don't worry if you don't understand this / backprop is the most complicated thing in all of deep learning / if you're an expert in calculus you'll know the definition of derivatives, but don't worry if you aren't / etc). I think most of this course is taught at roughly a high school level (maybe for a student concurrently taking calculus if you want to really get all the little details), so I'd probably recommend this as a starting point for someone interested in AI. I sorta regret taking course 4 and 5 before 1,2, and 3, but it didn't dramatically affect my experience either way and I got tons of anki flashcards out of it regardless. Onto the next resource!
  • Running A Tightrope: DOOM's Most Precarious Speedrun The secret is to really love those ledges
  • Marc Rebillet - I FEEL SO ALIVE Fun to listen to!

April 2019

Goals for May

  • Become as good at your job as possible
  • Adjust to new lifestyle

Things I've Been a Part of Making

Things I've Consumed

  • - Convolutional Neural Networks a brief foray into MOOCs, started here mostly for the videos on YOLO but ended up watching the entire course as a result of enjoying Andrew Ng's teaching style, which I think is pretty clear. I just audit the course since the actual certificate strikes me as exceedingly useless, but perhaps this attitude is what is preventing MOOCs from taking off so maybe I'm just a part of the problem
  • Machine Learning Yearning - Andrew Ng disappointing, and especially devastatingly disappointing when you realize who the author is. Perhaps I was just no longer in the target audience for this book but I don't really think I can grasp someone who would be - it seems to be aimed at startups trying to deploy ML solutions (?) but I think feels weirdly too intro for anybody who would be able to actually do that. It is a draft though, so perhaps I'm being too harsh
  • The Dolly Zoom Weirdly engaging for a video about a certain kind of zoom - really neat!
  • World Models absolutely psycho interesting paper that appeals to the cognitive scientist and fledgling AI researcher in me; training entirely on hallucination is really fascinating and I was really excited by a lot of different ideas in this project, for example adjusting the temperature parameter to make the hallucinations more difficult than the actual task, thus making training more useful. Just read it, it's really digestible.
  • Howl's Moving Castle Theme for Solo Piano - Kyle Landry I loved this arrangement because it for how bombastic it was compared to the original I think it did what it set out to do pretty much perfectly – bring forward a backgroundy OST piece to the foreground for solo piano. So much energy! I love it.
  • An absolute truckload of research papers I'm in heaven I can't believe I get to do this now

March 2019

Goals for April

  • Continue Reading
  • Relocate, Start New Job

Things I've Made

  • What is the most obscure thing you know about in Melee? cool twitter thread which yielded ~100 responses of cool obscure little things about melee.
  • Recalibrated Myanimelist I went back and adjusted all my ratings / added a bunch of things I had forgotten to record that I watched. Still not perfect and probably requires some rewatching to get correct, but it was a good thing to do considering most of the anime I've watched recently has been depressingly mediocre.

Things I've Consumed

  • Baby Steps Reread this from start to finish to get myself super hyped up for this new era in my life. This sort of media I think is really good as a motivational pick-me-up and I've long believed that reading things at the right time can influence you positively, which is why I think it's important to remember how consuming different media makes you feel.
  • 3B1B - Essence of Linear Algebra and 3B1B - Essence of Calculus - Very beautiful, surprisingly watchable overviews of two fields in mathematics. These two series are very impressive in different ways for me; the calculus one was mostly "oh that's why that's that way" moments for me while watching it, whereas the linear algebra one was a beautiful visual overview of something that was before mostly symbolic in my head. I'm really excited for his Differential Equations series, which should be coming out shortly.
  • 3B1B - Quaternions and the corresponding Visualizing quaternions page - probably a little bit over my head but the basic ideas are really interesting, in particular the bit about calculating 3d rotations with these was pretty sick.

February 2019


  • Got a new job I'll be headed over to Johns Hopkins APL to do Artificial Intelligence Research starting in late April and I couldn't be more excited about it :)

Goals for March

  • Read Textbooks for aforementioned job

Things I've Made

Things I've Consumed

January 2019

Goals for February

  • Decide which project to tackle next, begin working I'm bouncing around a couple of fun ideas so I need to pick one; I'll probably end up picking the one that ends up the more technically challenging, for obvious reasons.
  • Spend some time on organization I've let my organization escape me a little bit so it'll be good to spend a little time to get everything back in place.
  • Nail down some IRL goals this month

Things I've Made

  • Predicting Personality with Playstyle in Super Smash Brothers People have been kicking around this question for ages so I did some research to get to the bottom of it. I opened the survey on January 8th, closed the survey on January 10th and began writing, and then posted this essay on January 18th, which means I turned around this project in roughly one week which I'm very proud of.

Things I've Consumed


December 2018

Goals for December

  • Resume Reading as I completely and abruptly stopped reading in favor of working on the Homestuck project
  • Enroll in an online class since my younger brother got this for me for christmas, have to decide what I want to take, though
  • Practice a bit for Genesis 6

Things I've Made

  • Locating Visual Jokes in Homestuck with Rudimentary Computer Vision probably the fastest I've ever completed a project of this rigor, which was really exciting! The project took me about a month and a half and I was really committed to completing it before the year ended, which I thankfully was able to accomplish. Definitely among the more technically interesting projects I've done, performed moderately well on the /r/homestuck subreddit.

Things I've Consumed


The links page has become, weirdly enough, one of my favorite projects. I'm reminded of a suggestion I heard a long time ago (I think it was from Day9 but I am unsure) to keep a journal full of awesome things you have done so you can look back at it whenever you feel down about yourself. It's really cool being able to flip through and at a glance see where all your time in a year went, which months were strong and which were weak, etc.

A useful thing I can do here is briefly reflect on 2018 and how it squared with what my goals were for the year:

I read 11/30 books, 9 reviewed on my goodreads page, one being a re-read (Once a Runner), and one being Anokh's The Book of Melee which I obviously won't review extensively due to it being currently unreleased.

I wrote 7 longform posts on this website (Homestuck CV, STARS ALIGNED annotations, Celeste Review, Anki notes, Projects page, Boredom Types rant, Making Sense of Melee), I made 6 videos (Shinelock Punishes, Box Practical Tech, Bombs over Battlefield, Shine 2018 Clips, STARS ALIGNED, Stray Saturday), I made semi-regular appearances on the Melee Stats Podcast, and I revamped this website to be a lot more efficient (i.e. easier to read, mobile friendly, auto-generated from org mode documents, better in general overall). My original goal was just "15 longform posts" which I set rather aggressively to encourage shorter writings (i.e. ones that don't require months of work like Making Sense of Melee, the Homestuck CV project, STARS ALIGNED and it's annotations etc) so I it'll be okay if I cheat a little bit and consider this goal met just via converting quantity of work from one format to another.

I'm unsure if I'd consider myself the fittest I've ever been but I've made some substantial progress on that front and I'm pretty satisfied with that. I think I need to learn how to balance the different types of training into somethat that works for me because it's hard to me to juggle everything (e.g. I stop running if I go to the gym more, I stop going to the gym if I focus on rock climbing, etc).

I think overall I'm pleased with how I was able to focus on goals I defined myself throughout 2018. I had a lot to show for my use of free time in 2018, and probably are most proud of these three projects. I think I could've done more - in particular there are two projects I started that fell through mostly due to my decision to focus on Melee a bit more during the summer (between EVO / Shine / Big House / etc). Likewise I didn't do anywhere near enough reading, at least as far as books go. I was mostly good about staying on task but there were a few months where I felt like I accomplished almost nothing. These were generally in the summer, and in general I found it difficult to get back into the swing of independent work after doing any sort of travelling.

Anyways, 2019 goals:

  • Dramatically restructure life to spend higher percentage of time doing things I find interesting instead of just a few hours a day
  • Complete 15 projects, four of them being "large projects", at least five of them including a longform writing component
  • Read 20 books
  • Become strong

November 2018

Brief Updates

  • Started some cool things but haven't completed them
  • Have been doing a lot of reading but haven't finished any books

Goals for December

  • Complete both books currently reading
  • Complete short-medium difficulty project and writeup Pretty happy to be able to jog my memory of something I learned in school years ago.
  • Reassess goals from end of year 2017 I was way off, but not so way off that I feel discouraged about it.
  • Come up with new goals

Things I've Made

  • Stray Saturday very short highlight reel of some cool melee clips from one saturday's worth of games with my friends.

Things I've Consumed


"I wish to clarify that an inherent danger of climbing the social ladder in small communities is that a player can lose sight of the intense sway that they hold. Even falsities can be accepted by the weaker party when enough people gather around the stronger individual. Those with high capital should seek to view discourse in light of their own authority, and consider whether or not their opinion is actually correct or if their authority has preceded them."

  • Robust Website Fingerprinting Through the Cache Occupancy Channel This is horrifying! tl;dr you can look into the cache of the user on your site to look at what they have open on their other tabs, which is highly effective on both normal web browsers and Tor. If you're gonna do something illegal make sure you close that tab first.

October 2018

Brief Updates

  • Attended The Big House 8 got 97th place which is pretty solid for me; I can be so much better than I currently am and I have lots of footage to review. In general this low-pressure headspace I was in was very good and is worth experimenting with more. bracket matches
  • Updated the iframe CSS on this website Youtube videos / gfycats no longer look completely stupid, nor are they insanely vertically stretched on mobile.
  • Began taking Creatine been thinking about taking this since I’ve heard mixed things about its effect on cognition (mostly during sleep deprivation) but now that I’m lifting weights 3x/week I figured it was worth taking regularly. Hard to separate out what is from creatine and what is from just getting stronger, but the water retention effect was much stronger than I anticipated.

Goals for November

  • Practice Coding
  • Make Things

Things I've made

Things I've consumed

  • deltarune - Chapter 1 Very cute, and I think a surprisingly worthy followup to UNDERTALE so far. May or may not be part of a big writeup I'm planning, but my impressions after chapter 1 are: absolutely fire OST, overall somewhat less lovable characters but some gems, the Suzy/Lance dynamic was hilarious and cute, the linear storytelling is a big departure and makes me think we're in for a ride (and probably a dark one), it's free??, the ending caught me entirely off guard, can't wait for chapter 2.
  • The Book of Melee I was an alpha reader for Anokh Palakurthi's Melee upcoming 2019 nonfiction book chronicling the history of SSBM. Think it's likely to be an enjoyable read for people who follow the scene, since there's a number of really interesting little anecdotes you probably didn't know about the game.

September 2018

Goals for October

  • Go to The Big House 8 just have a good time, stop worrying so much about how you perform when you can't even go to locals.
  • Lift weights again need to get back on a beginner program and get back to where I was before. I'm not exactly untrained (I do still climb) but I'm not where I used to be and I realized I got complacent with my health goals after I lost the weight I gained second half of school.
  • Read books I'd like to finish Psychology Applied to Modern Life at minimum, preferably more.
  • Finish 2-3 of my mostly finished projects this includes my Celeste longform review, the secret video project, and the stamina bracket research, among other stray ones.

Things I've Made

  • Powershot shenanigans little TAS clip about charge shot bouncing off of shield and getting powershielded from a weird angle, seemed pretty popular!

Things I've Consumed

  • Kirby Air Ride City Trial TAS - Achivements This is the mode I and everyone I know played most when this game came out so I'm glad somebody made a good TAS of it instead of focusing on the courses instead.
  • Bottle cap pitching This is so cool and it looks really fun actually! I sort of want to learn to do it but I'd need two other people to be convinced to practice it which seems unlikely.
  • Poker Players Replay Their Most Memorable Hands | The New Yorker I love listening to Poker players talk about Poker because there's just so much thought involved. My favorite by far was Jamie Kerstetter's hand which just filled me with uncontrollable anxiety listening to it.
  • Celeste the best game I've played in a long time; a full review is coming soon.

August 2018

Brief Updates

  • Went to Evo 2018 I played pretty terrible at the tournament, which was very disappointing, but seeing my friends for the first time in almost a year was so exciting and I left with a decent idea of what I want to work on. Reflection tweets
  • Went to Shine 2018 Didn't do too hot in bracket but had some decent Money Matches despite not being particularly winning.
  • Bouldering I climbed a bunch of V3s at Origin Climbing Gym in Las Vegas during Evo, but I'm pretty confident that the grades at that gym were pretty soft. Climbed a number of V3s at assorted gyms but no overhangs.

Goals for September

  • Reorient

Things I've Made

  • Shine 2018 Clips not technically put out this month but recorded this month, just some funny stray clips from recorded sets at this tournament.

Things I've Consumed


July 2018

Brief Updates

  • Sent a V3 Problem Didn't get a video recording of it, but I sent an interesting slab problem at The Gravity Vault in Randor, PA. In my send I got stuck on the last move for maybe three full minutes before getting past it with a weird coordination mantle + pistol squat move, which I felt really good about even though it suggests my move into the last move was probably not super optimal.
  • Sent another, different V3 Problem Video here, another relatively easy problem which I abused my height to make easier. I want to send this cleaner (as I did with that super weird teal V2 that everyone at my gym hates, myself included). I really liked the mini cut-loose move near the end but I think this climb would be easier with better footwork especially after the third hand move (flag is unnecessary). I think a footswap after the fifth hand move -> move right foot to hold right next to it skips the need for cutting loose, but I could be misunderstanding how good the holds are from that position from this video. Overall I think definitely a relatively easy v3 which I think is appropriate for what I consider my current level at climbing (V2+/V3-)
  • Practiced a bunch for Evo 2018 I'm very excited for this event and I think I'm in pretty good form for it - I'm unsure if I'll do well or not but I'm looking forward to playing a lot of great melee with strong players and having a good time in Las Vegas.

Goals for August

  • Play Well at Evo 2018, get hours in against new, strong players
  • Send two more V3s, one of which must be a roof/overhang
  • Cut weight back down to 150-153 range
  • Resume work on programming work
  • Begin work on secret SSBM video project

Things I've Made

  • Notes on Spaced Repetition Some running notes for my anki card usage, which I will probably update as I get new useful thoughts on using it
  • How Variable are Omron Scales? I got back up to 160 so I ran some measurements on my bodyfat / muscle percentages and they were much better than the last time I was this weight, which is very exciting and motivating
  • MPGR Summer Top 50 Ballot After a bunch of discussion, PGR ended up sticking with the ballot system instead of using the algorithmic ranking. I was a panelist this season, and spent a good amount of time making this ballot (which will remain hidden to avoid external pressure influencing my vote).
  • MPGR Roundtable Part 2: #40-31 I appear as a guest on Panda Global's Twitch show discussing the summerrank top 50, along with Aiden, Appel, Gimmedatwheat, Edwinbudding, and PracticalTAS.

Things I've Consumed

  • What is CRISPR? Research on gene editing, a bit out of my element but very interesting
  • Notebooks - A fine addition to my "Visions for this website in 30 years" list, along with This is a page of notebooks written by Cosma Shalizi, a professor of Statistics at CMU. There's so much info here! From this alone I'll have a list of books to read that will never end.

June 2018

Goals for July

  • Send another V3 Problem I have one that I'm working on but I am worried they will take it down before I get the last move, so if I can't get it by the end of the month then I'll need to find something else
  • Practice an unreasonable amount for Evo 2018 It's probably because I can no longer take Melee for granted and play it every day, but I haven't felt this motivated for a tournament in a very long time. I really want to perform well so I've been practicing a lot and I don't want to let this motivation fizzle out before the event.
  • Work on projects when you have time I have a lot of things in the works, among which the things I have not finished from months ago, but my priorities have temporarily shifted for now so I think if I finish any real projects in the next month I'll view it as a bonus rather than an explicit goal.

Things I have Made

  • Overhauled personal website I now generate this entire website from emacs org files; going back and transforming all my html documents to org files was sort of a pain but luckily with pandoc it didn't take longer than an afternoon - the rough part was wrangling with the org html export, which I eventually managed to nail down. It looks cool now! Still some work to be done but not bad.
  • V3 Boulder Problem interesting mantle -> mantle thing going on in this problem; it feels a little easy for a V3 but I'm not complaining since it let me meet my goal for this month! I've now completed every V2 problem in the gym so I'm currently focusing on climbing them cleanly / V3 problems / waiting for new problems
  • V2 Slab Problem really cool problem at a gym I don't usually go to
  • Fountain of Dreams is Cool Now stupid movement idea I came up with on this stage

Things I have Consumed

May 2018

Goals for June

  • Send a v3 boulder problem
  • Make big changes to website formatting using emacs HTML export
  • Complete posts I keep postponing work on
  • Make it very straightforward to export new things to this site now that everything is centralized in emacs (!!)

Things I have Made

Things I have Consumed

April 2018

Goals for May

  • Turn 23
  • Complete Bracket Stamina post (this has gone on for too long as it is, since I keep encountering cool things abour it, and I made less progress than I would've liked on it despite working on it for ~20ish hours this month, but a lot of that is due to the fact that I am learning emacs through this project; I think I'm mostly completed with interesting things to encounter so I expect to be completed by mid may)
  • Become very comfortable with emacs; a friend of mine showed me his emacs setup and I realized that I had virtually the same workflow except strewn across 15 different programs and within two weeks of using it I am back/surpassing to my old productivity speed despite regularly pausing to remember how to perform the "copy" command. Fully expect to sink 300+ hours into configuring this program within the next year but as it stands I am already hooked on it.
  • Begin working on next coding project surprise for now.
  • Complete some stray writing projects

Things I have Made


Things I have Consumed

  • On Ledgedashing and PODE (R2Dliu) PODE lets you press the perfect ledgedash angle and get a ledgedrop because it pseudo-buffers the horizontal input so you get one frame of vertical down movement first.
  • Python Gotchas - Default Values I started trying to use these in my projects without knowing why they worked and it caused me problems

March 2018

Goals for April

  • Continue learning math, learn some beginner Chinese
  • SSBM: study 30 hours of videos, implement dash out of crouch, continue working on aerial drift
  • Complete bracket project (which has proven to be much more interesting than I anticipated) and flashcards writeup
  • Learn to use vim, get comfortable with it by playing some DCSS (lol)


  • Downloaded Atracker which I plan on using to make more quantifiable monthly goals. Measurement defeats all.
  • Did a brief cut and got back down to ~150 from 155

Things I've made


Projects I updated my Projects page to summarize the independent work I've completed, since Google analytics showed me people clicked that often after reading Making Sense of Melee. It's only my biggest / coolest projects, and at the moment the prose form is a little wordy but it's better than what I had before. I'll probably Reupdate it very soon with images but this should be a better placeholder

Resume I updated my resume

Things I've consumed


Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha Weird, but okay book. Full thoughts here.


she - By Your Side Pictures and sounds, pixels turn into lines

{TAS} SSBM (Melee) Fox 1P Mode All-Star {Very Hard, No Damage Clear} This video is a literal masterpiece and I spent something like a full hour watching parts of it frame by frame several times

GUNSHIP - Fly For Your Life Interesting what / how much the soundtrack adds to the original animation Paths of Hate

The NCAA tournament is a loser machine | Chart Party Singlehandedly delayed my bracket project a few weeks - I love Jon Bois

February 2018

Goals for March

  • Finish Bracket Stamina project and Spaced repetition post; finish reading Proofs and Refutations; make anki cards on US History; Start working through Linear Algebra Done Right and this.
  • SSBM: continue working on implementing aerial drift, specifically out of short hop; work on making platform punishes against fastfallers more consistent
  • Practice some substantial amount of time this month learning to play guitar, figure out some way to track hours practiced (for this and for other things)
  • Maintain your reading habits but focus primarily on math / guitar / SSBM / writing



  • finished a two month trial period for Bacopa Monnieri. Ended up observing a rise in correct answers for new + young anki cards of about 8%, and no change in mature cards. I didn't do any blinding, and would probably have to revisit this if I wanted to explore it deeply in any capacity. I don't really feel like bacopa gave me anything super valuable given the magnitude of the effect, so I've discontinued taking it (although I might consider taking it again if I ever decide to become a student again). Funny to think about how effectively you can replace the use of short term memory with good external capturing like anki or Evernote.


  • spent virtually my entire month practicing backwards aerial drift. Entered a tournament and placed pretty well despite feeling pretty off tech-skill wise. Feel good about practice paying off somewhat for me.


  • Decided against adding an RSS feed, since adding one for a static website is more trouble than it's worth and I have a far too small readership that would ever use it.
  • Met most of my goals from last month (only finished 2 books but did a lot of reading), still need some calibration but enough of my time went towards practicing melee that I had a slightly below average level of productivity

Stuff I've made


A Tale of Two Boredoms A bit more blogposty and philosophical than my usual writing, but I felt I needed to flesh out my ideas on this topic a bit more properly. "Once you saw and named the problems, you couldn't stop seeing them, it just got more annoying every day."


Shinelock Punishes Somebody asked me to make a video on this and I've been meaning to make a video anyways so I threw something together.

More fun Peach TAS things ideas mostly courtesy of lpac / r2dliu

Stuff I've Consumed


Rationality: Abridged Summary by Quaerendo of Eliezer Yudkowsky's "Rationality: From AI to Zombies", which desperately needed a summary. Very cool and lots of good ideas. Full thoughts Here

In the Beginning… Was the Command Line Very well written, slightly elitist history of operating systems. Fun analogies. Full thoughts Here


EGR AND MLR: NEW TEAM RATINGS Shown to me by Shi Deng of Big Blue esports. A pretty interesting look at how different teams perform at different stages of a match in league of legends; sadly I'm not much of a league player so the nuances of choosing 15 minutes as a threshold / the importance of dragons vs gold / etc are lost on me, but the analysis strategy is pretty interesting and I enjoyed reading it. (Also reminded me that I need to learn to implement k-fold cross validation)

A Brief Survey of Deep Reinforcement Learning Pretty cool survey paper. Got a kick out of "We begin our survey of value-function-based DRL algorithms with the DQN, pictured in Figure 5, which achieved scores across a wide range of classic Atari 2600 video games that were comparable to that of a professional video games tester." (what does this even mean?)

HEADS OR TAILS: THE IMPACT OF A COIN TOSS ON MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS AND SUBSEQUENT HAPPINESS People who make changes report being much happier 2-6 months later, even when the choice to make that decision was completely random. "The results of this paper suggest that people may be excessively cautious when facing life changing choices".

Currin Trading - Ambition, Deception, Honor, Redemption: The story of the biggest heist in Eve's history Half chilling, half fascinating - Eve Online scammer details how he ran a ponzi scheme disguised as a fraudulent trading corporation in-game, eventually leading to him making away with 30 billion isk (A few thousand dollars). There's a lot of really amusing anecdotes in here (he claims he didn't sell the isk for real money because he didn't want to break the terms of service, he mentions the playerbase revolting after the moderators returned money from a different scam, and that he had intended to return as much of it as possible before being mistakenly banned and changing his mind upon the reversal), and it reads like a wild criminal testimonial for someone who knows he's not going to face any repercussions. In the end he blew the whistle on another scammer, the EVE Interstellar Bank, a scam that netted that scammer 750 billion isk (~$80k USD).

"those who did not make specific requests, and instead asked open-ended questions like "how can I trust you?" and "how do I know this is for real?"–these were future investors. They were asking me to persuade them. They wanted to believe."

"People who posted on the forums seemed to have a negative attitude about everything. Rather than being a cross-section of the Eve populace, the forums were populated by a group disparagingly known as "the forum superstars"–people who spent all their time on the forums instead of actually playing the game. Not only did they have a fame and influence far out of proportion to their playing abilities, they were accused of getting special treatment from the administrators of the Eve servers. But it was their persistent scorn for anyone making anything new–and their seeming inability to make their own positive contributions to the game–that maintained the ordinary players' low regard for them."

"In the end, I decided that the only value in having stolen all of that isk was not the isk itself, but the stealing of it. I wanted to see if I could do the impossible, and I did it. The more I pondered the actual value of isk, the more I saw that the only people who really valued it were the ones who had earned it themselves. Despite Eve being a game, they had put real work into it. Many of them had spent three years shooting rocks and hauling modules around to earn that isk, and now it would be gone."

"Only now did I appreciate just how insidious a scam could be. I had thought the isk meant nothing to me. That it was just a means to an end, a score to beat. But now I was willing to wreak devastation upon all of my investors just to hold onto it. The scam had scammed me. It stole my concern for others and replaced it with gluttony. I was disgusted. I lied. I cheated people. I used people to help me scam their friends. I was the cause of widespread bankruptcy. But the most damning thing of all? I think I can live with it, and if I had it to do all over again, I would. To my surprise, a guilty conscience was a small price to pay for thirty billion isk. So I will learn to live with it, because I can live with it."


Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice | National Geographic Unsure if this is more or less terrifying than that video of Alex Hannold free-soloing El Sendro Luminoso, but to be fair thin ice and heights are my two greatest fears so perhaps it's just me.

Medieval Tune. Hurdy-Gurdy With Organ Haunting

6LACK - Never Know If I was waiting on you to tell me, then I would never know

January 2018

Goals for February

  • SSBM: use solo practice time better, do a lot of set analysis / notetaking especially vs marth and sheik, work on implementing better control over aerial drift
  • Site: make site more mobile friendly, write scripts to manage a bunch of pages at once
  • Write one article, make one video, read four books


  • Tentatively added Disqus comments to my writings - fully prepared to reevaluate this later and conclude it was a bad idea but I've been meaning to have a means of people sharing their ideas with me without needing to contact me on social media so this seems like a worthy try
  • also added google analytics, which I did not do before my statistics post and kicked myself for - it'll be useful to check what kind of audience I have for everything
  • Couldn't think of use for Raspberry Pi, Didn't get around to adding RSS, met all other goals for month and completed four books (!)

Stuff I've Made


Making Sense of Melee: The Illusion of Objective Ranks and the Real Impact of Everything The culmination of my most recent long-term Melee Stats project where I gathered tons of tournament sets and examined trends in the data - I used this data for seeding and for my SSBMRank Ballot, and this post details my further scrutinizing of the patterns within. The post got a lot more attention than I was expecting! (It got something like 56k views if my rough, then-poor analytics are to be trusted). Somebody posted it to Hacker News where it ended up reaching #6, and it got tons of shares on Twitter. I was very pleased that people were so excited about it, and ended up in a surreal daze after seeing Gwern make a tweet about Claude Bloodgood the same day.


SSBMRank Voting Distribution Visualization for KayBeats' "Assessing West Coast Bias on SSBMRank and Why it Doesn't Exist" KayB is a Melee Stats denizen, and he wrote a post exploring the supposed "West Coast Bias" in the SSBMRank panel. I collabed with him by generating Violin Plots (boxplots with kernel density plots overlayed on top of them) of the top 100 ballots, graciously provided by Tafokints.

Stuff I've consumed


Loss, Trauma, and Human Resilience - Have We Underestimated the Human Capacity to Thrive After Extremely Aversive Events? A surprisingly optimistic paper which suggests that most people are actually impressively resilient after aversive events. Because so many people that show up to clinicians after bad things happen are in need of clinicians to help them, the prevailing view was that when bad things happen to people they usually need time to grieve. However, the sample size was very self-selecting here, and exploring more "normal" baselines suggest its possible that on average people are pretty good about staying functional through traumatic events.


Establishing a Nicotine Threshold for Addiction – The Implications for Tobacco Regulation I am not a smoker, but I was met with the idle question of how many cigarettes one would have to smoke daily to become addicted. The threshold seems to be around 5mg per day, which ends up being something like 5 cigarettes.


Worm by wildbow Great min/maxing fantasy-scifi story, full thoughts here.

Fire and Fury Likely a little exaggerated for effect, but a truly wild hit piece that reads more like fiction than reality, full thoughts here

Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt Cool book that I should have read a lot sooner and one I'd immediately recommend to someone that wants to know about how my current field works - full thoughts here

Norwegian Wood This book was extremely painful to read and made me sad for three days, would recommend. Full thoughts here


Year End 2017

Goals for January

  • Build something interesting with the Raspberry Pi 3 kit I got for Christmas, use Amazon Gift Cards to buy assorted things if need be
  • I've made very good progress on my more recent melee stats project and expect to be finished very shortly - the only reason I could imagine it taking longer than end of January is incorporation of top 100 data for further analysis
  • learn a bunch of slow cooker recipes
  • Work on the infrastructure of this website - Maybe add Disqus comments, an RSS feed, make it slightly nicer looking

Stuff I've Made


Seeing Everything: A Visual Perception Experiment Proposal Not really a project per-se, more like a "man, somebody should do this" idea that I've had for a while that just won't really leave my head.


Downwait Instant Ledgegrab An attempt to make my videos a bit more visually appealing without sacrificing the content or the conciseness: I rarely feel that these sorts of demos warrant more than a 60 second video and I would like my content to remain highly valuable per unit time, but if I can put a bit of extra effort into them and have them be more polished without sacrificing this then I don't think there's any reason not to.


How Good is Melee National Seeding? Melee Stats group does it better

Stuff I've Consumed


Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm A wonderful paper that appeals to my AI and Chess-playing selves - Deepmind plays beautifully even with no input from humans whatsoever.

Cigarette smoking: an underused tool in high-performance endurance training An incredible, hilarious paper that I plan on linking people frequently in the future - from the abstract: /"However, if research results are selectively chosen, a review has the potential to create a convincing argument for a faulty hypothesis. Improper correlation or extrapolation of data can result in dangerously flawed conclusions. The following paper seeks to illustrate this point, using existing research to argue the hypothesis that cigarette smoking enhances endurance performance and should be incorporated into high-level training programs."/

Kadano on Input Lag Running Dan Salvato's polling fix code on console improves input delay by a bit below 12ms, as measured with an Oscilloscope. Overall a great read on Input Lag in general.

How I accidentally discovered the pill to enlightenment but I wouldn't recommend it. Cool writeup I got from a member of the ssc discord, a cool narrative version of a similar project to my health notes.


…And I Show You How Deep The Rabbit Hole Goes I reread this and man do I love it

Blame Me For Trying Cool short scifi story loosely based on ELIZA, a classic NLP chatbot that simulates a psychotherapist.

Failing - A very difficult piece for solo string bass Music as performance art, examining the construct of difficulty and about the paradox of having a goal of failure.


I generally dislike "New Years Resolutions" but I think keeping myself accountable for the things I want to accomplish over long periods of time is pretty important. As 2018 is the first year I will be completely operating without educational institutions to hand me goals (weird) I feel it is more important to have a clear vision of my long-term goals.

  • Read 30 books
  • Write 15 longform posts on this website, not including links posts
  • Reach a point where creating a Patreon wouldn't be an embarrassing idea, create a Patreon, get at least three Patrons
  • become the fittest I have ever been

September 2017

Goals for October

  • Move into an apartment, figure out general living / exercise / etc arrangements there
  • Figure out a good way to do rankings with the big SSBM dataset (~22k sets), write up more extensive analysis, mostly complete this project
  • Place well at The Big House 7, record a lot of sets for review later
  • Learn Keras / Deep Learning stuff and do a project with it
  • Complete reading GEB

Things I've Made


Do Pot Bonuses Affect Entrant Numbers at Melee Tournaments? (short answer: no)

20XX 4.06 Savestate Workflow in Dolphin Not a perfect solution but if I'm hoping if this is written then somebody will improve upon it and it'll be amazing to practice with.


Understanding Luigi's Ledgedashes

Super Portable Recording Setup This thing is amazing and I'm glad I bought it.

Tech You Should Already Know - Spotdodge / Amsah Tech Option Select Habit I wanna pick up during spotdodges, tested and verified idea I had a million years ago working on my notes for the fox-sheik matchup.


Understanding Fox Antiair Hitboxes

The Local is Dying, in which I examine the attendance at SSBM local tournaments and determine that attendance is roughly the same as 2016

Things I've Consumed

Interesting things I've committed to anki cards this month

Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese Grammar feels like a pretty comprehensive collection of grammar points in the Japanese language, and I suspect I will frequently go back and read through this if I forget something or if I encounter a grammatical structure that I am unfamiliar with. I really appreciated the structure and despite it being a little wonky at first it made the rest of the guide pretty simple to understand since everything made some sense from a Japanese-speaking perspective rather than an English-speaking one imposed upon the Japanese language. Gonna start working through Genki I now that I've gotten through this book.

Video Games

Doki Doki Literature Club Dan Salvato's new studio put out this game this month, and I played through it. The tl;dr on my thoughts is that this game manages to be cliche in two genres and draws far too much inspiration from creepypasta. Full thoughts here.

SM64: The Last Impact a fun romhack that is technically interesting and has some cool ideas and fun levels, but suffers enormously from difficulty curve irregularity / bugs / poor level design. I found myself frequently getting softlocked, dying randomly due to weird level geometry problems, having issues with the camera, etc, and I eventually made it a game to see how many stars I could get by BLJing past walls instead of actually earning them. I had fun with it, but I couldn't manage to 100% it because there were just some stars that were so broken that I got too frustrated to continue playing. It made me appreciate how relatively not broken the original game was, and how important beta testing is for these sorts of games.

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds A fun game to fool around with friends in, but not one I think is particularly well-designed from an esports perspective.


The Hotel Room Hacker Crazy story


Beating the World's Best at Super Smash Brothers with Deep Reinforcement Learning I believe this is a more updated version of the paper I mentioned last month, so I'm putting it here.

Example of the Glicko-2 System I ran this on a database of 22k super smash brothers melee tournament set results, after ELO gave me mediocre results. The results were better than ELO but still not very good.


Earth Wind & Fire, September - Bass Clarinet Choir

Learn Modal Jazz in 12 minutes. (No kidding.) Man, I miss being really involved with music like I was in high school - I might pick up a music theory textbook and brush up on it.

How to Learn Music (Epistemology and Music in the Digital Age) I'm not crazy about Malcolm Gladwell but this video I think is a really well-worded depiction of learning skills in general. I've watched a bunch of Adam Neely's videos and he strikes me as extremely well-read, I was impressed by how interesting all of his videos were while still consistently being about music each time.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - All Dungeons, No Doors TAS Crazy

Matchup Breakdown - Fox vs Luigi (Chillindude829) Watched this after playing a set at Shine 2017 against a luigi and realizing that I didn't have a firm understanding of my goals in this matchup (shine doesn't lead to anything, grab doesn't lead to anything, so what are you going for in neutral against luigi? What's your gameplan? I ended up just going for random hits and getting steamrolled). Takeaways: uptilt vs nairs, dash attack is a common mixup situation (nair out jump out etc), usually avoid midrange (close/far is good), Disjoints are good (uptilt, falling upair). Being above luigi is very good. Empty drill into fullhop is pretty good because you can punish grab attempts with falling upair.

A YouTube choir: the history of the most viewed videos converted into sound Perfect blend of Music, Math, Visualization, and Shitposting. I got a huge kick out of the inclusion of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" which predictably shot up every december and then didn't move for the rest of the year.

"Rewrite" Production Vlog #6: Everything is Fucked Up This is one of those "Truth is stranger than fiction" type of stories I struggle to wrap my head around, and yet I actually believe. tl;dr these two are shooting a documentary about a now-shut-down modded video game, and got in contact with a reclusive developer "Magus" who moves into their apartment to help them with the documentary. However, it turns out that the person that claimed to be Magus was actually somebody impersonating Magus, having done so for months and knowing intimate information that "verified" their identity with other dev team members. Nobody knows who this person was, or how they knew so much about Magus and the internal details of the development team, and everybody is freaked out about it.

Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy Cover - Pedrosaxo Guy plays a duet with himself, seems very technically demanding. I don't play saxophone but what I'm vaguely sure is going on here is he's using the same technique you use for circular breathing in order to hum a note at the same time he produces a note on his instrument, resulting in two notes being played. Very neat!

August 2017

Goals for September

  • Finish Tae Kim Guide to Japanese (~75% complete) and move on to Genki I
  • Finish the books I'm currently reading, as well as GEB and the MOOC
  • establish working demo of melee stats page, scrape at least 8000 sets, learn enough webdev to get a working prototype complete by the end of the month
  • write draft for posts on spaced repetition, man vs AI publicity stunts, melee stats analysis
  • join a gym, begin resistance training, begin eating at a surplus
  • other potential project ideas: something with Keras (MP3 file -> osu map? Too much?), do pot bonuses boost attendance at melee tournaments?

Things I've made


Optimizing health with cronometer I hit my weight goal, going to start resistance training next

How variable are Omron Scales Since I met my weight goal I tested the variability of my scale a second time. If I gain weight in a substantially lean way and get my old values for bodyfat, I'll conclude that the scales results are useless. Otherwise, I'll measure what it returns.


Using Fox Lifesaver with Shine Stalls Video made to explore using shine stall w/ conserving doublejump, also correcting for the 20 frame tap jump buffer which KJH lists as 4f in his video

Samus Hammer Throw Glitch Video of a sort of obscure glitch with Samus in 1.00, it's one of my favorite glitches and doesn't have a tutorial anywhere, so I made one.

Peach Q-Drop Pressure 1 2

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